Why Did it Just Cost 2.2k to Repair My Gear?

This is dumb. We actually spend more gold on repairs than consumables at this point.


So they can get $35 a month out of a bunch of players who don’t want to waste time grinding gold to play the game without saying they raised sub prices.


Id tried to comprehend what you said, but you just might be drunk


Tank one dungeon without dying and my shield is falling apart. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

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At least plate boys can take blacksmithing and eventually just have free repairs from

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Yeah, it’s a nice perk. I was a little bummed when I found they finally fixed the Dragonflight version still working, but that was to be expected. I’ve still got a ways to go until I get free repairs back on everything, but I’ll get there eventually (again).

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t extend the same to other professions this expansion. Maybe in Midnight…

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Even if youre dps or heals your gear will have taken at least a 10% hit. A key lasts no more than 30 minutes when youre timing em. So in an hour, yeah youre definitely spending more on repairs than a flask and whetstone.


If I had a nickel for every time I’d walk into a pack, try and throw an avengers shield and then panic when it doesn’t work (because my shield is broken) and then IMMEDIATELY get splattered, I’d have several nickels.


Because the formula (Durability points to be repaired * (ilevel - 32.5) * 0.05 silver) came out to 2,200 gold. Welcome to the problem with being geared.


TIL there’s an actual formula to repair costs.

I thought it was entirely vibes based.


yup, that’s specifically the formula for epic quality gear, the other qualities each have their own formula.


Sounds like the gold sink is doing its job.


Funny how they say they want gold sinks and then punish players through sinks that should be minor to ensure continued gameplay, yet still push WoW Tokens. If they want to reduce the amount of gold in game, they would restrict tokens to capping at 75k gold and used as a currency and as a sellable subscription item.


Gold repair cost is based on item level.

But it ignores squishes. Every time they’ve squished item levels, the squished level is the new repair baseline.

So while repair cost is based on item level, and item levels have come down several times, repair costs never do.

It’s dumb.


Also, anybody note the conspicuous lack of faction-aligned repair vendors in major areas the last couple expansions? So we don’t get the rep discount.


I mean, it’s kinda your fault for being geared and pushing content.

I bought a brutosaur with all the gold I didn’t spend gearing up.

Just be bad.


That’s a very Backwards way of thinking. I like it.

It’s how I’ve played as a solo player for many years now. I always buy cosmetics and mounts first because those are forever. Gear is temporary.


Drip, and apparently Wu-Tang are forever.


I didnt have gold to begin with. Im sitting at double digit gold amounts for half the week. Any gold i do get is from selling gear ive farmed and the occasional WQ. This stuff sucks and they can go ahead and drop another WoW token mount.

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Farming gold is easy. You just have to do more than M+ and Raid for it.

Professions can passively make gold off of patron work orders (albeit not in extreme amounts) by doing the orders where the mats cost less than the reward (usually the augment runes and +skill finishing reagents) or for the rare all-mats supplied patron orders. Gatherers generate gold just by gathering, obviously.

PvP you can turn honor into gold, while it isn’t a get rich quick scheme the gold you get from selling bloodstones outweighs the price of PvP repairs by a significant amount.

Open world content and delves still have materials that sell for a pretty penny.

To make gold off of M+ or Raiding, you have to be selling carries but if you’re good enough to do that, the payout is pretty lucrative.