Why did elune not let tyrande kill Sylvanas?

Because Sylvanas = $$$

And as well all know, doing something slightly different when it comes to Games/Movies/Shows = risky business.


I’m asking why Blizzard didn’t allow me to kill Tyrande :frowning:

It’s just not fair :cry:

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malfurioun would be Malf-Furious with you if you did >->

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Cannot wash off blood with blood?

What’s that expression? when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object

They’re not going to stab their S-tier lore characters

He’ll be next! :smiling_imp:

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i’m going to go get the spray bottle!

Because Sylvanas is supposed to be a raid boss. She couldn’t die yet…


Remember what she said at the start of the fight? “The vengeance is my own, the power Elune’s!” might have something to do with it… Tyrande pretty much denied The Night warrior since it IS Elune’s vengeful aspect.

Still better than Bastion’s defense, at least our guards went down in a struggle XD.