Why did burning crusade happen?

Not an expert on the matter but wasnt the whole thing with Illidan that he simply went too far?

I remember this even being addressed in the DH campaign when you have to choose between two followers, one who is loyal to Illidan and the other who believes Illidan started to go down a darker path and threw away any morality for the sake of hunting down the Legion.

what would’ve happened to the water without the reservoir though? Like if the lakes were any more full they would’ve just leaked over the edge into the twisting nether, at least with the pumps you could say the water supply was being managed for the future.

Were any of the species actually trying to improve the planet? Nagrand afaik was about the elements being in turmoil, but there was no solution to be found, just awareness of their impending demise/ that of the “planet”

The slavery occurring is still a farcry from what the original horde did in constructing/powering the dark portal, not that it justifies it, but none of them actually came back to azeroth, the alliance/horde just sort of killed their “masters” then left them on a dieing planet. Like maybe akama has fixed up black temple since then? I thought it was a planet destined to fall apart, its odd with all the lore continuations they’ve done with lordaeron and the likes that there hasn’t been any revisiting of outland to actually show the good that was done… since as it stands it was sort of just a place left to rot after dismantling any sense of order that remained. (Again, where a continuation would be nice to see what exactly the scryers and aldor/shatar are doing, or did they leave as well)

Sweet lord,

People so pressed about game lore.

Guys, I corrected the VERY SLIGHT misinterpretation of a fact. The rest is on point. And yeah, there are assumptions because some stuff DOES happen off-screen. Not everything is in-game or fully answered. We do not 100% know exactly what the status of Illidan is, since no explanation has been given as to what the Pantheon’s “realm” really is.

Regardless, chill down about AI generated responses. They are not bad, when it comes to this as shown above and its a great point of reference for lore discussions.

Breathe… and keep enjoying the game.

Didnt we saw Outland in that BFA cinematic where Saurfang went to drag Thrall back into the Horde?

Seems to be largely the same.

Yes, this was in BfA. One of the “Old Soldier” cinematics.

originally tbc was going to be a fun pirate themed south seas expansion with goblins but then they 180’d out of that because they had already made hellfire peninsula (check out vanilla wow cut content, there’s a lot of stuff that went unused, including the original dragon isles as well as hfp) so i guess they wanted to flesh that out more

Blizzard doesn’t give the writing team much in the way of editorial fiat and it was only after they’d decided that returning to Outland was the thing to do for a first expansion and hammered out some basic plot beats that they realized that the plot made no sense.

That…wasn’t his motto. Illidan’s motto was actually pretty close to Sylvanas’s- honor means nothing to a corpse. Illidan’s point was that there is nothing you can hold back as sacrosanct in the fact of the Burning Legion because none of it will matter if they win.

I mean no one’s pressed but you.

We know already know Illidan is alive. His return was hinted at during Blizzcon by Metzen. That’s another thing Chatgpt wouldn’t tell you because it has a cutoff date in sometime in 2021 I think.

Also, Illidan’s current fate is irrelevant. We know that when he DID die the first time, his soul ended up in the Twisting Nether, at least after his body was taken from the Vault, I think.

I remember something with outland occurring since then, maybe that was all? Green fire lock has you revisit the hand of guldan but that just solidifies the fate of smv a bit.
It would be interesting if the planet actually resumed some function, or was at least some development, like maybe netherstorm just breaks off completely? Idk it can go anywhere, but it would be nice if it weren’t just completely forgotten, especially when they do throwaway content like siren isle that could instead fulfill as story continuations for Outlands and Northrend.

Your first paragrap literally was the only reason. Back then, the devs didn’t care about story or lore because the game was never supposed to live beyond the first expansion. It was just an experiment while they made warcraft 4

It was only after they made big money off of it did they decide not to do warcraft 4 and stay with wow.

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Blizzard has gone on record that they were still figuring out what they even wanted to do with the game at that point.

But Kil’jaedin was trying to conquer Azeroth, that’s the reason.

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Well the cinematic pretty much confirms Outland is still falling apart.

So i doubt theres anything that can really be done for the planet.

so like when people focus their criticism on storylines in modern wow that were purposed towards rectifying poorly developed storylines in the earlier version (like tbc) they’re not seeing the function and why blizzard has a tendency to retcon the more open ended storylines?

that’s pretty much the story i’d heard.

was basically “Illidan’s cool, it would be cool if we made him a Raid Boss” vibes.

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Im more annoyed at the irreparable dmg BFA and SL did to the lore.

No, you’re thinking of Nestlé.


Because of money

If you were ignorant/knew nothing of the lore and just played bfa as a standalone game though, would it have ended with you wondering where the stories that did occur could develop in the future?

There’s a lot of mystique regarding the titans, azshara with nzoths prison, which are being revisited now in tww. I will say that the faction conflict stuff felt more in place for an expansion like mop. Bfa felt out of place following legion, as if a coalition couldn’t possibly exist for the purpose of formatting resources/saving the planet.

As for the corruption side of the player character, I think there’s potential to link the old gods with the player and adds a bit more dire concern with the survival of azeroth as a world soul. Like if the heroes didn’t have the heart of azeroth nzoth would’ve enslaved them easily.

I’m thinking of Illidan, but Nestlé truly is the Illidan of IRL lol

All I know is Outland is a beautiful, gorgeous world and I wish it had been done in higher resolution at a later date. Many of the zones, specifically Zangarmarsh, Terrokar Forest, Nagrand, and even Netherstorm and Blade’s Edge Mountains are strikingly beautiful in their own way. Even Shadowmoon conveys something (though Hellfire is a slog it does serve a story purpose at least). The geography is truly alien and visually striking in a way just not seen with other content in WoW and it works as a place to visit and it’s incredible the variety they crammed into it.

From a story perspective I do agree if the lore could be re-arranged it would have been better to change things significantly but Blizzard has thoroughly butchered the pig of their lore and story so at this point I just kind of shrug, too many could have beens.

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