Why did Blizzard put us on a patch where Raids can be cleared by non60s?

just because some people say one thing in forums it doesn’t mean everyone agrees. most things said about classic is by people that never even did the raids during that time to begin with.

i personally dont’ really care about raids and the majority of players in wow never touched raids pre cata. we never received numbers from devs beyond that, from what i know, so no idea about afterwards. but just because a handful of us don’t particularly care about raids, doesn’t mean ‘we all agree’ with that statement.

I walked into Classic knowing it wouldn’t be a true vanilla experience. I play Classic just to see the old world and enjoy a fresh start on a new server with everyone reset to level 1 to start the game.

Lets be honest; Molten Core was not a hard raid compared with raids today. Each boss has like one mechanic and if you know how to handle that mechanic you’ll down the encounter. I believe it wasn’t until Blackwing Lair where we saw the first “Guild Killer” boss in Vael as it was a DPS check. Molten Core really didn’t have any of those at all.

I’m enjoying the journey to 60, currently level 17 and having loads of fun in Classic. No need to rush to 60, the whole point of Classic was to enjoy the journey. So by the time I hit 60, Ragnaros and Onyxia will be on farm by half classic population. :smiley:

I don’t think the issue is they made it to easy. You have to realize people have known these boss fights for years and the ones that didn’t had plenty of content available to find the answers. Also a lot of those people hitting world first have probably been playing private servers for practice. It’s not like any of this is new. I will say I agree though. It does feel a bit discouraging to see peop,e already clearing end game content on the first week. I know vanilla wasn’t hard by any means but I wouldn’t of thought people would be clearing molten core by the first week.

If you were playing classic for the raid difficulty then you’re in for a let down. I love vanilla and TBC but even i know that retail is light years ahead in terms of technical difficulty.

This isn’t easier or nerfed content, it’s just that people suck less at WoW than they did 15 years ago and there’s nothing new. I still play Dark Souls every sunday, it’s not an easy game, people that have never played it will get stuck on it for days or even weeks, but i can finish it in less than two hours, that doesn’t make it a bad game it just means i have mastered it.

But your server first’s back then, were not in patch 1.12 with all the fixes to classes and reworked talent trees.

This isnt patch 1.1 - 1.8, its patch 1.12 with some gear and dung/raids gated behind a phase.

Go back to posting your wall of no!

it was never super hard , we just didnt know how stuff worked , also tier 1 raids were made so they are to be cleared by people in greens and maybe blues, and with actually 20 active players instead of 40, 40 just made things easier

There were three regular pugs on my server in patch 1.6-1.7 that used to clear Ony and MC fairly regularly (the former with a greater success rate, obviously.) Half the raid didn’t know what they were doing but were capable of taking instructions (or were replaced, if not.) The average gear was not great and certainly nowhere close to pre-bis. There were many wipes, yes, and much going back to re-get the fire resist, but yes, those raids were fully doable by undergeared noobs under the direction of a good leader.

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There’s a reason those of us who knew what to expect were very sad when Blizzard announced 1.12.

1.12 is not the best choice they could have made or the best patch that they could have recreated for the best experience. But it’s better than what we had, so I’ll still take it.

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1.12 is vanilla

But it is the most ‘complete’ working version of wow, that no more changes need to be made to fix things.

Which is also why it was used.

I remember wiping on Barron Geddon because enrage timers. I’m still surprised they beat all the enrage timers with green gear and less than 60’s.

That’s debateable. Whether or not any more ‘fixes’ would be needed depends on whether or not you considered every change being made on the way up to 1.12 an improvement.

It was the last patch historically, and would not require any progression or changes to match the end of Vanilla, this much is true. It was selected based on being the least work, not based on being the best result (and also the fact that they apparently don’t have the data for previous patches).

I understand why they chose 1.12, and I’m not trying to rail that they’re terrible and should never have done it. I wish they had been able to do a better job, but as I said, it’s still better than what we had, I’ll take it.

You yourself won’t ever be able to do what they did. Sorry.

Really what’s more puzzling is why anyone expected Classic to be a challenge to the community as a whole. Yes the 1.12 talents, changes and 16 debuff slots matter, but they do not explain everything about the quick leveling speed and quick clear. Even without those things (which Blizzard could have manipulated), we would have seen a week 1 Rag kill. Why? Because these are people who have practiced this for 15 years. You might not have heard of APES, before, the community at large might not have; I know I did not. But what anyone doing at least a little bit of research could have known, is that these types of people existed and were coming to Classic.
It’s obvious if you have practiced this for 15 years you are going to breeze through it. Likewise it is obvious that anyone having played WoW at any point in time between Vanilla - Wrath is going to find Classic easier than their memories, independent on what patch we play on. Why? Because as much as we might have forgotten, we are total not total noobs. I might mess up the first few pulls because I need to figure out how this arcane mechanic works. But a) I mastered it before so relearning it is not hard. b) I have had more experience with games and MMOs so I understand immediately how the game communicates with me as a player. There is no more awkward moments of “But how? I do not understand what happened/ why I died.” All these factors matter and play a much larger role than the patch.
You have to also keep in mind that we are not blindly following the “rules” the game dictates us. First time Vanilla players might have not even tried to do sub 60 MC because the game dictated it was level 60 content and the skill-cap of players was such that it was dismissed out of hand, so no one tried it (or it was not tried as a large scale exercise). Now we know better, we know better so people are not dismissing it out of hand. That’s not Vanilla magically being harder than Classic. That’s player perception being different and guiding their behaviour.

If you wanted NG+ or whatever designation you have for challenge in Classic you should have researched a little bit and known this was never the goal nor going to incidentally happen by bringing Classic about. That does not mean Classic cannot be a challenge if you never played it to begin with. In that case there will be a small challenge presented by the fact that a lot of the game is new. But will the game be hard? No, as far as the skills required of the individual player are concerned, no.

Edit: Spelling

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It’s 1.12- of course the first content is going to be easier.

Do you think in 8.3 the top mythic guilds in the world will have much trouble killing mythic Ghuune?

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All these non level 60’s posting about how their experience of classic is ruined now because of APES is hilarious.


Bingo reaching the final point and having a sense of completing doesn’t happen anymore and one of the many reasons you can’t enjoy Retail. After the progression journey and gearing is done. You can enjoy other aspects of the game. Also there is no threat of constantly needing to farm azerite or the next patch.

Being done the content is a great feeling and adds to replay value, alts, twinking, pvp, RP, WPvP etc… etc…

I think people will realize that once Phase 6 is here and you can finally enjoy the game for what it was without new content ruining that experience. I also think that is why this game will have longevity because you can keep playing for years after Naxx.

Of course there will be TBC servers at some point but… they make make sure that is completely separate.

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Blizzard was completely transparent about the patch level. If your expectations weren’t met that’s your own fault for ignoring reality in lieu of your own fantasy.