Why did Blizzard nerf alliance premades?

And the guy who lobbied for this :poop: version of AV.

/shrug says the guy who is on the beneficial side of blizzard favoring horde.

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There have been a ton of changes that hurt horde, but I haven’t heard a peep from you on those, so yeeeeeeah.

Oh please name some in classic.

Horde or alliance bias has always been conspiracy theory.

Off the top of my head, there was an exploit (and yes it was an exploit) in BRD that allowed horde to reset a quest to get infinite loops on the mobs for exp / gold. They closed the back door to the alliance base in AV. They haven’t fixed the way personal WF works for enhancement shamans which would make them actually viable in raids. They released BGs early due to Alliance WPVP whining.

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Expect these to be ignored, just as he ignores reminders that he lobbied and argued for this version of AV.

Yes, we all know Horde is, and always has been, the developers favorite faction. Alliance have been set up for failure in PvP in every sense of the word, and this is coming from a Horde Rogue


We’re not playing “AV when it dropped”. We’re playing 1.12 which had xrealm bgs. It also had premades.

Blizzard devs have gotten soft over the years. What used to be “PvP solution to a PvP problem” is now hotfixed. We got mc’d out of portals in bgs in vanilla but we learned from it and didn’t make the same mistakes. In classic they just hotfixed it.

Alliance groups starting with 15 players was a problem that showed up when premades started dropping queues. This doesn’t mean the broken setting wasn’t there prior to that. We wouldn’t know if players weren’t dropping queues to cause it.

Player behavior has changed in 15 years, but Blizzard needs to be consistent on what constitutes changing a 15 year old version of the game and they have not been.

We might not, but Blizzard would.

From a logic standpoint are we to assume the setting wasn’t broken and suddenly broke when premades started dropping queues? Come on, the setting was broken but it wasn’t known until something happened to bring it to their attention.

Yeah, I agree. But that doesn’t change the fact that it was broken. Player min/max behavior caused Blizzard to look into it and make the change.
Broken isn’t even the right word. Poorly implemented from the beginning is more accurate.

It wasn’t patched because of winrate, it was patched because it was an exploit and alliance players were mass kicking their own faction, scouting so that games would start 40vs.5, and just engaging in general “degenerate gameplay”, as Ion would put it. Blizzard was completely right to patch it.

The “spawn cave advantage” has none of the same effects, not even remotely close. It will be changed in TBC, but until then, Blizzard will not be changing it.

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And I 100% support the change. It sucked as alliance to get stuck in a 8v40 AV that didn’t hit 40v40 until horde were killing Vann. I’m just not convinced the broken setting didn’t exist prior to premades dropping queues.

It 100% existed and was a problem. It just wasn’t as wide spread a practice. It happened in Vanilla too.

Nobody bothers making that distinction because the justification theyre trying to go with is “its always been like this” when thats not the case.

Blizzard got soft and now Blizzard doesnt care. The players are a reflection of the devs.

Local alliance still mad that they can’t leach AV and aren’t being brought to WSG or AB. More news at 11.

The issue isn’t so much that blizzard broke premades, and it was not being done to the same degree in vanilla. The issue is that other things that were also not being done to the same degree in vanilla in AV were not also addressed.

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The design intent wasn’t to rebalance AV for you. It was to lower incentive to dodge.

At this point, the winrates are so absymal i can barely tell the difference.