Warcraft wiki isn’t a source of lore. I have looked for it, it doesn’t exist.
We are actually going back to 2013. I forgot how old this event was. Keep searching we are talking about 10 year old lore and the internet of that time period was very different. If you don’t believe don’t care. Prove me wrong.
stray-mikeneko.livejournal. com/8588.html
How can I prove it doesn’t exist??
If you truly believe I am wrong go to google and research comments on this forum, Live Journal, MySpace and find it because I know they did comment on the bug and its been debated for years. The Purge of Dalaran was badly designed and Jaina never was supposed to kill on sight.
I’ve already told you I’ve researched this multiple times. And the only thing over the years has been a comment by an ex dev on a now deleted Tumblr.
This is your claim and you expect me to disprove it when I’ve already done the research and you haven’t given any real source.
That’s why this is frustrating. Every time it comes up people claim it, don’t actually have a source, and I know I’ve already spent a while looking.
Here is one of the many long forum debates from back in the day. We’ve been circling this debate since 2013, and many people over the years have debated it. I don’t have time pull up every single thread and every single interview from that time period and each succeeding year when its brought up. You disagree read and do more digging.
us.forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/purge-of-dalaran-retconned/541050/2
I found it David Kosak corrected it before he left the company. Seems his interview is hard to find, but he did have a interview about it to clarify. As cited at the bottom.
wowpedia.fandom. com/wiki/Purge_of_Dalaran
Nothing was retconned. Everyone who played Remix can see the truth. Jaina is a criminal who only wasn’t punished because the Devs are biased for her.
David Kosak had an interview cited by Sarah Pine on Tumblr The Remix did not change the quest lines because the event wasn’t supposed to be lore binding. It was a fun remix event. Not a clarification of lore.
David Kosak is gone for the Warcraft team and has no authority on the writing anymore. Remix shows the events and Jaina is seen hunting down blood elves while casting fireballs.
Also under her orders the high elves fed Sunreavers to a shark and killed them in the Sewers.
No the Pirate event was not supposed to be taken literally or lore changing same with Pandaria Remix. You just want to make things up when the precedence repeated for 10 years+ doesn’t fit your narrative.
If you want to keep me for hating Jaina it won’t work really. She is guilty. And all protetcing her is the same human favoritism that protected Khadgar from being killed.
And here we are. You’re biases wont let you be wrong. I will freely admit when I am, and I will take the blows if proven wrong, but I remember the interview from 10 years ago, but the original Tumblr interview. I remember David Kosak explaining it. He said it was bugged. That Jaina wasn’t this genocidal monster you wish her to be.
I don’t even need to mention the Purge of Dalaran to prove that. She directed a massive tidal wave at Orgrimmar twice and was only stopped by Thrall who used his own powers to deflect both of her blows. the intent to kill all the Orcs was always there.
So no, Kosak did not say that. The wiki doesn’t even say he says that.
After a conversation with Dave Kosak on the subject, Blizzard writer Sarah Pine stated that this scene actually was supposed to play out in the game, but was bugged.[26]
And this is literally what I said before.
The Tumblr is deleted. And my understanding is she was actually an ex employee at the time. There hasn’t been any “Blizzard says it is a bug”. This is a rumor from her that isn’t even up anymore. Heck, you can even Wayback the Tumblr. She’s talking about a tweet he made, not an interview, and Aethas, not a bug.
deep breath
Guys… I think I’m finally ready to talk about Dave Kosak’s Aethas tweet:
“Aethas was caught between loyalties. He decided to ‘look the other way.’”
So this is someone else mentioning the Kosak tweet. Which is what Sarah is replying about.
Ahhh, Dave’s actually talking about this publicly! Me and Mike Sacco asked him about it on his facebook back when 5.1 was current, and he said there was supposed to be an extra scene that bugged out and didn’t show up in the actual game. Horde-side, when you were stealing the Bell from Darnassus, Aethas was supposed to find your portal, follow you in and go “what are you doing? You can’t use Kirin Tor resources for the war effort.” and the orc you’re with gets nose to nose with him and says “You’d better decide where you’re loyalties lie, ELF.” And Aethas slinks back through the portal to Dalaran saying he saw nothing.
So yeah, Aethas knew about the bell—but by accident. Fanlyr was acting on his own, and seemed to have no intention of telling him about it.
We never said anything because Dave thought that the rampant speculation re: Aethas’ loyalties was great to watch and asked us to be quiet about it. It wasn’t Blizzard’s intention for that to be a mystery, it just happened that way.
Right, and that event on the IoT was supposed to be an obvious reference to what the player would have already known, had the bugged event actually been in the game—i.e. that Aethas HAD found out about the Bell, so he didn’t know “nothing”. It wasn’t supposed to put his loyalties into question; it was supposed to be a reaffirmation of what we already knew—that he had turned a blind eye.
The difference is that Jaina is essentially accusing Aethas of being an active participant in the deception, which he wasn’t. Aethas was, truly, a Kirin Tor loyal. Until he stumbled upon what Fanlyr (and us, the players, lets be honest) were up to. The problem with finding out in such a clumsy way is that, if he had gone straight to Jaina and told her what was going on, Garrosh would have known EXACTLY who spilled the beans, which would have likely put a lot of blood elf lives in immediate danger, because there’s no way Garrosh would have let that go. And if Aethas said nothing? Well, that’s the option he chose and we saw how that panned out.
Aethas basically blundered into a situation in which he could either bring down Garrosh’s wrath on the blood elves, or Jaina’s. He gambled with Jania’s. He, and the blood elves as a whole, would have lost either way.
The bugs was about an Aethas cutscene. Not killing civilian.
David Kosak spoke with Sarah Pine who in 2013 posted on her Tumblr forum that the quest was bugged, and it was popular known back in 2013-2014. This later became a matter of contention because people who play the quest and don’t know the lore assumed that Jaina was committing a genocide. She did not. She didn’t purge thru execution.
If you want to believe otherwise fine, but David Kosak did have that conversation. This was explained a decade ago and ever since every few years we have this debate and it cycles for another decade of whether Jaina is a monster or not. I argue she is not and by Blizzard’s use of her character since the event. She’s been presented as tolerated if not accepted by those around her and saw her action as a mistake. Later Aethas Sunreaver the guy she killed two guards. Try to make amends with her and even find her a gift to continue their friendship. How on Azeroth would a guy who survived a “PURGE” return to the city that “BETRAYED” him and later try to be friends with the person who tried to wipe him and his people out? That doesn’t make sense. The lore is that unfortunately things got out of hand and the Purge while did get out of control did not cause massive casualties and later revalations showed that the majority of the Sunreavers were innocent and that Garrosh was ultimately to blame along with Thalen, but the failure to address the actions going on in Silvermoon which used Sunreaver magics to open a portal to Darnassus was a huge failure on their part. Regardless if the Reliquary had access to their magical defense network, the Sunreavers, failed to stop the attack on Darnassus and the stealing of the Divine Bell. Once they discovered the deed was done. Aethas should of told Jaina. The Blood Elf npc who opened the portal to Darnassus while nameless wore a Sunreaver tabard and Nazgrim said he had an agent working from within. Implicating Fanlyr and by extension his relationship to the Sunreavers.
Don’t you understand this? We have repeatedly had this very debate since 2013. LiveJournal entries, Myspace posts, and Tumblr on this subject. Most is effectively lost to the internet. I promise you back in 2013 this moment in Dalaran divided the Forum and apparently still divides us by people who fail to remember what was said by Blizzard themselves in particular David Kosak.
I just quoted the Tumblr. The bug was that it didn’t play a cutscene for Aethas being threatened.
I’m not here calling Jaina a monster or genocidal. So that stuff isn’t really relevant to me (I did read it all).
Yes and later iterations on that subject explained it wasn’t just her confronting Aethas, but the succeeding event where she paraded around the city with her elementals. People used to drag npcs flagged as hostile or neutral into her cone and those people got killed. Not because Jaina was suppose to kill them, but the bug caused her to kill anyone aggressive to her. Lore wise she teleported all citizens who surrendered and a few who turned hostile were killed, but not the majority of the Sunreavers and while violent attacks did occur by overzealous Silver Covenant elves as seen on the Horde side of the quest. The majority didn’t abuse their authority. Incidents occurred. People died, but the event wasn’t enough to stop the Sunreavers from eventually rejoining Dalaran and defend her as they did over the Isle of Dorn. Along side the very Silver Covenant elves who arrested them years before.
A bug you can’t find any reference to.
Look at Jaina admitting to it when saving baine during bfa