Why did Blizzard keep killing blood elves?

The Sunreavers did nothing wrong and you are a liar.


Aethas Sunreaver admitted culpability of his negligence which got his faction kicked out. He later in Legion returned to try to mend the fences and help rebuild Dalaran. Later he is seen trying to procure a gift for Jaina in Ogrimmar’s Trading Post. He later is seen helping the Dalaran survivors at the Dalaran crash site.

He allowed for a rogue mage from his faction create a mana bomb nuking Theramore and then invade Darnassus to steal the Divine Bell. The consequences of Aethas inactions which led to Thalen Songweaver betraying Sunreaver neutrality and implicating his entire faction on the barbarity being committed by the Horde.


Just because Aethas is a spineless coward doesen’t mean the other Sunreavers are okay with being framed as criminals by the filthy alliance scum.


He literally goes back to Dalaran and repledges his loyalty and that of his faction. Why do I bother? Read the lore. He even is trying to mend the relationship he has with Jaina… Why deny all this?

I know the lore. Aethas is a traitor who just like the high elves sucks up to humanity for his personal gain. The Sunreavers were the victims in this situation and nothing Blizzard writes will change that.

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Not really. He tells the mage PC that he stands by the decisions he made and only regrets what they led to.

Archmage, the events of the past have long weighed heavily upon me. While I do not regret my actions, I do regret what happened.

He might have reconciled with Jaina and Dalaran but he’s never “admitted culpability” in anything concerning the purge. And that’s just as well, because to this day, even after a Chronicles recap of the event, all we know about his role in it comes from a deactivated Tumblr’s second-hand account of cut content.


He recognized he should of told Jaina about Thalen and didn’t. When confronted he hesitated causing the chain of events. He works to get readmitted and get the Sunreavers back into Dalaran.

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No he doesn’t. Just like Baine he only cares to preserve his personal friendship with Jaina and nothing else.

Thalen was the Horde spy who helped Garrosh blow up Theramore. Aethas denounced him as a traitor to the Sunreavers for pulling that stunt and that was the end of their association. A different set of circumstances set the purge into motion.

But again, Aethas stands by his actions. It’s not really correct to say he’s “accepted culpability” when his only regret is that he botched his persuasion roll. If anything, the opposite is true: he feels justified in his actions even now and wishes Jaina had, to quote the mage campaign again, “understood his loyalties.”


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Fanlyr Silverthorn along with a blood elven mage created a Sunreaver portal which bypassed the Dalaran security network to access Darnassus to retrieve the Divine Bell. The actions of the Blood Elves while serving Grommash ended badly for the Sunreavers because whether they knew or not. The actions of one bad apple ruins the bunch.

By regretting what his actions led to he ultimately he accepts responsibility of his inactions. Hence why he ends up trying to buy a gift to Jaina to mend their relationship.




No, they didn’t.
Find the source.


Nothing but headcanon. Fan’lyr is not a Sunreaver. And Aethas should be replaced by Hathorel.

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The blood elf mage that opened the way to Darnassus used a Sunreaver portal. Causing people to suspect it was the Sunreavers. Read the questlines. Falanyr was an agent of the Horde that coordinated the attack. The mage used Sunreaver magic. At the end of the day this was enough evidence to condemn Aethas for not notifying the council and led to enough suspicion on the part of Jaina to arrest those implicated.

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You are under the false pretense that any Horde fan has sympathy for Aethas. Trust me. We do not. Fan’lyr was from the Reliquary and the one guy actually responsible for moving the Divine Bell to Silvermoon. Whatever nonsense the new Chronicles said, it was instantly retconned by the MOP remix quests.



As I always say, I’ve only ever heard this rumored from an ex employee.

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Blizzcon 2018-19? The developers have had several panels on this and clarification. We also had the most recent lore book which clarified the Purge of Dalaran and provided context. I swear to God, every year since the Purge of Dalaran we have people who are new to the lore try to smear Jaina as a genocidal monster and paint the event in the worst possible light. It’s seriously exhausting that every FREAKING year this debate comes up like clockwork with Erevien stirring the pot and everyone either trying to smother the flames and the other side trying to add fuel to it. Cause its one of the few clear cut examples of a badly represented event in game which lore wise did not happen as it was presented due to people dragging NPCS to Jaina’s hit range to have them be killed. It was a bug not a feature of the questline.

blizzardwatch. com/2017/11/20/know-lore-jaina-proudmoores-battle/

That’s not specific at all. Because I don’t actually think they did. If you have an actual panel we could see it. Instead of years of panels you want me to dig through for your claim.

I’m not new. This “bug” gets vaguely referenced constantly but nobody ever gives an actual source.


Look at the interviews. I’m not going to dig up every panel from 5+ years ago and every succeeding interview with streamers to clarify this. You can research it. Don’t believe me. Don’t care. Read the most recent retcons.

So yeah, another person who incorrectly sources a made up claim.

An insidious rumor that pops up multiple times.

I have. It doesn’t, to my knowledge, exist as a Blizzard claim. I’ve looked into it a few times.

Just like how people would claim the mana bomb destroyed stuff in all realities. And I had to buy that dumb book they referenced to prove it never said that.


I have repeatedly cited Warcraft Wiki. I have provided the narrative. Look it up yourself. They said it was not intentional. Jaina wasn’t supposed to target and kill NPCs. They were supposed to be teleported. They also purposely muddied the narrative on whether Faylin was or wasn’t a Sunreaver even tho the Blood Elf Mage used their magic portal to get to Darnassus.

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