Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

PvP servers were always a thing… they were the most populous servers… u r trippin, it says more about the kids who play these days who can’t handle a gank or two.

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I don’t want to die of alcohol poisoning tyvm.


I don’t think they will reverse WM and go back to pve, pvp realms (rp or otherwise.) While there were and still are many people who enjoy pvp and, for the sake of the OP’s post, world pvp, there were and are many who didn’t. The poster who mentioned people feeling forced is how I felt as the friends and the guild I began WoW with were on a pvp realm. I can’t speak for others, but getting harassed while trying to level, corpse camped/etc, really turned me off to world pvp; it’s no fun when you don’t have a chance to fight back most times and with limited time to play as well each day. Again, speaking only for myself and with due respect for others thoughts, I enjoyed my WoW experience more when I finally did leave myf first server behind for a pve one where I could level in piece and engage in pvp at my leisure (by flagging myself as pvp.)

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I’m hopeful that covenants will actually be an interesting and worthwhile experiment that involves world pvp. Soul binds and covenants skill might muddy the waters though.

If wpvp is covenant based in SL rather than horde vs alliance, it’ll change things significantly.

Sure lottsa edge lord good pvpers will go maldraxus and venthyr but so long as they are at war with each other it could be good.

Of course sharing and crz could further complicate it into quite a mess duplicating the problem two fold… But if the covenants are aligned 2v2… Then effectively you’ll see horde a d alliance on one of the two allied covenant factions at a time.

They have the chance to throw out the currently imbalanced factions with covenants. Have to see what they do.

even if you counted EVERYONE there are more horde than Alliance period.
I don’t Turn off war mode 99% of the time. the 1% it happens is usually because there is no one to summon with war mode on.

another thing is because of how out numbered Alliance are the group finder gets used more. and so Alliance get concentrated into one shard which may offset that one shard’s ratio. but across all Shards there are more Horde period.

but if you want to see if your theory is correct, they could remove horde bonus and buff Alliance another 25%. 50% vs 0% maybe the ratio would go down. :thinking:

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It’s not that simple. I’m on Mal’Ganis, which was a pvp server. When I came to MG, there were no alliance. World pvp did not exist. I came because, at the time, it was the top horde pve server in the game. Then cross realm sharding happened and I was suddenly getting ganked all the time. I didn’t sign up for that and now that I have the option to decide if I want to flag or not, I’m out. Judging by the numbers, players like me are the overwhelming majority.

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War Mode has been fantastic. I will never understand the hate it gets.

  • If you wanna PvP you just flip the toggle. Boom you are on a PvP server.

  • If you wanna take a break and do some stress free questing then turn it off. Boom you are on a PvE server.

You are no longer shoehorned into doing one or the other permanently. It’s great.


As a young spacegoat growing up on a PVP server, I was never that find of it. Mostly because I stink. But, I knew when people stopped spamming [Thunderfury] in trade long enough to call for backup that it was time to fight.

Now, it’s different. Trade never takes a break. Lowbies just turn off WM instead of getting camped until a friendly force can rescue them.

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Blizzard should have never caved to the people crying about PvP on PvP servers. Those players always had the option to not play there.

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It was the standard each pvp server was mostly just a pve server for one faction thingy.

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Thats not the reason Alliance died off on that server, but thats for another thread.
WPVP on this game is simply put, broken in many areas. Its pretty much a sandbox and this is what drove more and more people to dislike it. WM was a good solution for this on paper but there are just too many other areas of the game that needed modification for WPVP to every be fun in modren WoW.

The only way to “fix” WPVP and WM now is to:
-Offer free server transfers from high pop to low pop servers.
-Remove the experience bonus
-Actually balance classes
-Remove world, item and quest exploits
-Remove Org and SW from both phases
-Remove CRZ with other servers

Or do what I want and make it free for all.

The old system of PVP servers failed because people would end up on server with a TON of problems that would just make WPVP not fun for most. “Just go to another server?” Yeah wana give them near $100 to move all there characters?

Most of those threads were “Waaaaaaah! PVP HAPPENED!” threads which deserved no sympathy. That’s what you signed up for, reap the consequences of your choice.
Either git gud or transfer to a pve realm.
And people continued to to qq.


Ppl felt trapped on pvp servers who were only there because their friends were. They didn’t want to pvp but still wanted to play with their friends. WM makes it so they could turn it off at will.

i understand and believe that was some individuals reasoning but doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to change the aspect a majority of players chose PvP servers for in the first place.

Well I remember in a dev water cooler that was the reason they gave. To them it was enough of a reason.

Because most “pvp” servers were actually PvE servers for one faction and unplayable for the other.

It’s happening in classic already.


true i kinda forgot about that because RP servers dont shard as much and ED is like the most balanced server on WoW

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But “war mode” actually makes this even worse because now the PvP friend will be in war mode and the pve friend will not be in war mode and they won’t even be able to see each other lol.

Monkey pawing is a key tenant in Blizzard designing these days OP.

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You’re 3 years too late for your reply. That’s how long it’s been since they logged into this message board.