Why da zandalari are part of the horde?

It is not close to a democracy, what are you talking about?

It’s the closest thing to a republic we have in the game. Especially compared to the alliance which is full of monarchies. The Horde going from a literal dictatorship to a governing council is a big step forward in that world.

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It’s also great because it stops WoW from ever being able to recycle the “Warchief is mad with power!” story arc ever again, because now all the factions of the Horde have equal agency and don’t have to do anything a would-be despot says ever again.

If Baine ever goes nuts and says “we need to destroy the Dwarves! Their industrialism is killing nature!” then Lor’Themar can just laugh and say “yeah, okay, go have your cows do that.”

It was explained in the book Shadow’s Rising (which apparently most people didn’t read).

Basically, Talanji saw it pretty much the same way after the end of BfA and was mad that the Horde wouldn’t help her get revenge on the Allaince/Proudmoores for Rastakhan’s death, with her wanting to leave the Horde Council after being told that the armistice would continue to be upheld.

Still reading the book, so some details could be a little off, but to my knowledge: Bwonsamdi wanted them to stay in the Horde and used Zekhan to help keep her from leaving the Horde entirely.

Ultimately they helped save Talanji from a Sylvanas-backed Zandalari rebellion and Bwonsamdi from being killed by Sylvanas’ forces as well, causing Talanji to choose to remain in the horde.


This has to be the worst novel so far. Literally blackmailing the Zandalari to stay for plot reasons. I swear the Zandalari better leave now that it is secure the Horde will never help them to kill Jaina.

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Shadows Rising is considered to be one of the better, if not best, novel written for the Warcraft franchise, up there with Shadows of the Horde. Roux understood the assignment and really crafted a compelling novel, despite having the worst setting (Shadowlands) to write in. Can’t say the same for another novel writer who ended up at Blizz :grimacing:


I adore Shadows Rising soo much. Made you really feel for the Zandalari and Talanji in particular and strugggles she was going through as a young woman trying to hold her fathers empire together as it was falling apart around her


The Horde council betrayed her. There is no coming back from it. All just so the writers favorites don’t get harmed.

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they made the zandalari absolutely clowns

0 interest to looking forward for this, jaina should’ve been dead on the end of dazar’alor siege, but blizzard had no balls and will protect favorites until the game dies

I can’t play for the lore of this game anymore, it’s all poorly and disgusting


And always has been.

Thanks for playing.

Connections to Trolls in general? I guess that’s the reason why they are part of the horde.

Unlike teldrassil zuldazar was a legitimate military target. Like theramore. Provide your enemy a base of operations and a navy to use and become a target.

As a goblin, get these filthy zandalari out of my faction.