Why complain about the wow storyline?

Yeh… I like my villains generally more complex than I want to kill everything because mwuahaha.


So wait, one second hes a bad villain because his motives are too unclear, the next second hes boring cuz they made his motivations too clear?

If you wanna see good villains…check Gaunter O Dimm of Witcher 3

That’s what I call a really good villain…dude literally scared me

Why does he wants everyone to serve him ??


No, his motivations are still murky. He and Sylvanas keep telling us everything is broken. Characters keep telling us the Jailer is right because we haven’t seen what they have seen. None of them are showing us anything. None of them are telling us what they know that might end up swaying us. The story doesn’t even really try to show us the other side, or explain actions, or talk about what the characters really feel. If they feel anything at all…

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And to remind everyone how bad the Diablo 3 villains were. There’s a demon called the “Lord of Lies” that does nothing but tell you about his plan and how to defeat him because he won’t stop monologue.

Still better than the Jailer


He’s the bad man.

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Being bad for the sake of being bad xD

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How many warchiefs have we gone through? How many have gone crazy and get hit with the villian bat? Or in the case of voljin be useless?

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That’s his character arc.

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Well…such villains would work well for like 12-13 year old children’s

For adults…they need to put more effort

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Why have slave labor when you have droids? Why did admiral danger hair sacrifice herself when there is auto pilot?

TLJ was a prime example of how you screw up a venerable franchise with bad writing and politics


There is such a thing as two extremes in either direction.
Motivations unclear: “Why should I care? I don’t think he even does”
Motivations laid out like a Disney villain. “Well, I’m glad they think I have the deductive capacity of a 4 year old.”

Diablo 3 had this problem. CAMPY AF.


Remember that I actually played that game. A LOT. And have read several mangas, and watched several anime.
And, during all my painful relationship with the FF14 story, I was always like:
“Please… don’t go there… don’t go there… it’s so trite… heck, they went there… again.”

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I think the biggest problem is someone at Blizzard is convinced they can compete with FF14 and its more story driven nature. The problem, even when there isn’t sabotage by toxic former devs, is that writing has never been Blizzard’s strong suit and the more prominent the story becomes the easier it is to see the flaws with Blizzard’s writing.

Compare Diablo 1 and 2 to Diablo 3 which tried to be more story heavy than the last two games and was unbearable.

They only know two stories and the players are so familiar with them they predicted the entire character arc of Sylvanas after the BfA prepatch

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And what happened to this advanced civilization that could create moon ships and anthropomorphic animals

Was is disease, famine, war…

No. They conveniently got bored enough that they all committed suicide so there is no way for them to help people in the future.

That’s a time honored method of how to get rid of a plot hole right there

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I both agree, and disagree.

WoW had good story once upon a time. (I don’t think anyone who ever saw the Wrath Gate cinematic for the first time ever forgot it.)

But it was laid out in more passive fashion, where the story was happening whether you were there or not. instead of… well this.

Same with Diablo 2

Hey now, even as a child I appreciated complex villains. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve always liked characters that feel like characters and not just cardboard cutouts of a stereotype. It just makes things more interesting if your main players are all actually thinking and feeling people with their own motivations and interests. You may not always agree with them, but it’s nice if you can see where they’re coming from.

For the Jailer… Well, this entire expansion has been going on about how he needs to rework everything because the machine is broken. They won’t really tell us HOW it’s broken. Almost all the characters in the game take that “well, if you don’t know I’m not gonna tell you” attitude you see in petty arguments. Apparently later on we find out that it’s not even that complex, and he just wants to be evil.

The story would have been a lot better had they introduced him. Given us an idea what he was like before. Let us know the events that led up to him betraying the other Covenant leaders and why. What made him disillusioned to begin with? Was his original goal to just burn everything, or did it come to that after millennia of spite? Unfortunately WoW doesn’t do character motivations on anything but the very tippy top of the surface level. :frowning:

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The best part about the Jailer is how characters go on and on about how clever and manipulative he is despite the fact he looks and sounds like the most generic evil guy ever and never shuts up about how evil he is.


Because the current story makes bad fanfic look like Shakespeare.