Why complain about blood elves?

you look like a pirate whose looking fer her lost eye.

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You do on my phone
But that could be a phone thing
Or even my own phone thing

My phone must be worse then, her skin is so dark on mine her features looks like a shadow person! /Insert creepypasta here.

Yeah its how it looks to me

I dont want to be insensitive to them about it
But yeah

Blood Elves are mostly trash Alliance re-rolls that didn’t know how to PvP on Alliance but somehow started to understand the game when they rolled Horde.

Blood Elves do not belong on the Horde, never have, never will and are some of the worst players I have ever seen in my life.

2006 says hello.

But have fun!

I I felt as though instead of spray painting certain mythical lore from set culture for certain POC expectation and agenda driven reasons, why not bring mythical lore creatures into wow from other cultures make it more realistic instead of looking like pandering and erasing/changing a certain culture’s lore. The idea of Elves and dwarfs and the other race races are based on culture lore just spun to look different by WOW. Just my 2 cents

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You are, literally can’t see any detail and shading.

a pirate you say hmmmm

I think its a your own phone thing lol because I have already done screenshots edited photos and what not and no blending.

you guys must not use very bright settings on your phones then because I really can’t tell lol.

Weird, it really doesn’t blend for me even on phone.

I think that’s changing tbh. I never played blood elves because they seemed too paris hiltony but with the new customizations I’ve changed my mind.

Because WoW is a profit machine, and as a profit machine, it wants others to participate in the profit machine and doing the bare minimum is activisions shtick.

What trash screens do y’all have lol?

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You know why

Enlighten me?

Diversity options aren’t a problem Valarían. :roll_eyes: :woozy_face:

Blizzard already stated they always considered diversity to be canon it just wasn’t reflected. But someone who has an issue with diversity will always consider it “pandering”


dark fallen?

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People complain about the darker skin tone options because they’re doing racist concern trolling.

The body jewelry would have been cool but idk maybe it’s a bit on the risque side compared to tats?

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I remember when humans had a dark skin option then model changes happened and it mysteriously disappeared and players complained.

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As they should I think Blizzard themselves said it was a major oversight on their part which is why they referred to the new diversity as long over due to reflect what they have always seen as canon anyways and falling in line with giving players the ability to better customize their characters.

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Well it will always be a mystery.

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To me, I’m happy with all and still waiting patiently for more allied race customizations. In honesty, people need to calm down as this is the tip of the iceberg and something new to WoW. There can very well be more options brought to the table that can become available in the future to make the game feel even more like a living and breathing world.

Baby steps, one at a time. Patience is one’s virtue.

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No, the name they use is darkfallen for some reason. Normally to reference dark rangers and sayn’layn.

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I almost thought that forsaken was going to get different races with Calia Menethil being the new leader, like “oh we are no longer forsaken for I bring you hope”

I do hope forsaken get’s a model toggler, in another thread someone linked a Twitter of a dev talking about the updated dark ranger eyes for both he/be dark ranger NPC’s.
