Why complain about blood elves?

I do hope forsaken get’s a model toggler, in another thread someone linked a Twitter of a dev talking about the updated dark ranger eyes for both he/be dark ranger NPC’s.


Ubiquitous overrepresentation
The painfully thin anorexic look
Their lack of gender diversity
The insufferable arrogance
The hardline zealotry
Harsh and annoying voices inexplicably amplified to 200% volume of other races

well despite your body shaming, we aren’t ever going to get new bodies unless we get sliders of some sort. Which isn’t happening any time soon.

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This is the big one. While I think san’layn customization wasn’t too outlandish because it would be a second theme as void elves now also have the second theme of being high elven, the main thing is the lack of tattoos considering the male on the BC box art has indentations upon his flesh in the form of runic tattoos. Tattoos that were magic in nature was an obvious gold mine of customization for blood elves, would have been impactful, and way more noteworthy than accessories. It’s a real problem in my eyes.


I would like Rommath tattoos for my warlock.

I really only play casters but I want BEs as a whole to get Runic and Farstrider tattoo options too.

Their customizations are good, but they are boring compared to the new looks most of the other races obtained imo. The hair with the tiara could have been better without the tiara :frowning: I wish it could be toggled off lol.

But all of their new customizations really do fit them, it makes sense. I can create the blood elf I had in mind much better now, I think many Worgen could say the same with white fur and glowing eyes of so many colors. Yet something is missing.

Its ironic, they gave people more customization simply just to have more customization because people wanted it and now people are complaining that OTHER people have more options and they dont feel “special” anymore. Humanity sucks kekw.

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Was going to say the customizations was a large part of this expansion really, why not have high expectations for it.

I would say don’t have a cow, but now that I think of it… maybe you should. You could have this.

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already have a tauren o3o

So glad we left the Alliance before the whining started, Silvermoon stands with the Horde.

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