Why Classic will not be vanilla WoW

its not that big of deal to me tbh even private servers have change things im just glad to be getting a better version then what we have now.

This is a good and important thread to remind us that things which are different are not the same.

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I’ve never loved the feeling of mouseover targeting so I never heal with those, but what’s the concern with people who do? I’m missing something clearly.

I need a bar mod. I want a threat meter, since I’ll play warlock with no threat dump. I’m good with those two things. But i’ve nothing against others having their favorite bells and whistles on their UI. I’ve seen screenshots of some really fancy mods that were really pretty, but not great for playing the game.

While we did have access to far more powerful macro’s and more powerful add-ons in Classic WoW, that’s not such a massive blow to the game because not everyone uses those things…

I would wager that it’s going to be roughly the same because there is a % of the population that will never touch the stuff like before, and a % of the population that will, just like before.

Where automation has been removed, we adapt.

Fixed that for you.

It wasn’t in vanilla, so it shouldn’t be in classic.

  1. It does change how you can fight, especially in PvP, even though lua code could do something very similar.
  2. It would break rogues (and druids too I guess), because they lose combo points when changing targets in vanilla. There was no mouseover blind for example, you had to change the target and give up your current CPs.

You could have something similar, e.g.
/run if UnitExists("mouseover")then TargetUnit("mouseover") CastSpellByName("Blind") TargetLastTarget() else CastSpellByName("Blind") end
but that would actually switch targets shortly, removing combo points.

They will be better. Damn near everyone has a macro capable mouse or keyboard. Game macros aren’t needed.

iirc people have been banned for using keyboard/mouse macros on various mmos, you can tell from the server side when it’s a human input or automation

Oh this is true, I’m just letting folks know what to expect.

This to me is like making a TAS, which I’m not a huge fan of. Personally a Tartarus V2/Logitech G13 and a 3 or 6 button mouse and you’re good to go. Plenty of binds available and modifiers double or triple it.

How do they tell? Because of the speed? I can adjust those on my keyboard to slow it down enough to seem human. Don’t know if I can set them to have random ranges of speed though so it’s not obvious that way.

Long term, even if you try to make the logic fuzzy, you’re still going to do things that give away the fact that you’re automating some actions, like the automated actions may be more consistent than when you’re manually inputting things, maybe actions around the macro are happening faster than you’d expect, etc…

A lot of these trends are going to be emergent and the systems that detect the use of automated macros are going to always be ‘learning’ new patterns that indicate there is something suspicious going on

On top of that, if you’re making a macro that just mimics human gameplay, what’s the value of the macro beyond saving you some keystrokes?

Well, potentially you could test yourself to determine the fastest possible speed at which you could accomplish something you want to automate, then you could create a macro that does it slightly faster than that and never have to worry about misclicks.

Seems to me like it would take all of the fun out of playing the game though, but I’m not really sure what types of macros/addons that people are talking about from Vanilla. IIRC I didn’t use any of those when I played.

Some people don’t seem to know this. I think there are a lot of people out there who legit think they’re just putting Vanilla back up for people to play (hence the - ‘why is this taking so long’ posts).

I also see a lot of people saying “I didn’t play Classic back in the day” without realizing Classic is a new game and wasn’t out ‘back in the day’.

I’d say the majority definitely gets it - but there seems to be A LOT of people out there who don’t get what this is.

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If you build macros you dont need most of those anyways.

I used to be a healboter until I realized it was much easier to just macro mouse overs and that the macros were even slightly more fluid.

Wait, I thought you told us not to believe Ion?

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