Why Classic will not be vanilla WoW

Classic will not be vanilla.
Here’s Why…

Addons and Macros.

These two are going to affect gameplay a lot.
Ex; Rogues in classic will not be as good in 1v1 situations as they were back in vanilla. Back in the day as a rogue I had some insane macros.

Still, Classic will be loads of fun.

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We’ve known from the beginning we are getting Classic not vanilla.


Well there you have it guys, guess we’re not getting Vanilla after all…


You know why it won’t be the same?

Released in 2019, not 2004.


It wont be the same because im no longer 6 but im 21 now thank you.


Q: What about addons? Will there be addons? I can’t play without addons!
A: Blizzard has stated that they will be breaking addons that automate gameplay, such as Decursive, EZHealing etc. “Normal” addons will still be allowed.

From the stickied post, its already confirmed that’s the case. Go re-watch the Blizzcon Classic announcement and listen to what he says, it addresses the Vanilla and Classic will be different.

Bringing this up over and over is like complaining about an anime adaptation that doesn’t follow the source material exactly, by very definition of adaptation, changes are indicated from the start.


Yes, the addon/macros will be a lot less powerful than when Vanilla originally launched. Also, 1.12 talents/skill balance. Also, 1.12 itemization. Also, nobody knew anything about it when it originally launched, now we have years worth of guides and opinions and data.

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Learn to play instead of relying on addons or “push 1 button and win” macros? Sounds more balanced to me, so why is not having IWIN buttons and addons not a GOOD thing?


I will be farming AV for my broken IWIN Button, unless they already removed those with the racial parts…


Even if you “learn to play” you’ll be hard-pressed to do all of the things addons or macros can do in the ease they can do them. Especially compared to “back in the day” when macros and addons could do far more than now.

The fact that Blizzard will be using a modern add-on API rather than the vanilla one will be a huge change to the game.

I’m just informing those that do not know. :slight_smile:

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Battlenet integration
Modern GFX settings
8.x client
Modern API
It’s not 2004 anymore.


I had addons and macros back in the day. I used none to automate game play. So for ME (can’t speak for everyone) nothing has changed.


I will have mine first sir!

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that I understand…however, I played Classic without Addons at all (I was late to the party truth be told and hit 60 about a month before TBC launched). But even in TBC, I didn’t play with any IWIN button macros or IWIN addons either. The point being, that if by using the more modern API eliminates that kind of nonsense, then I’m all for it. I don’t mind addons at all or trinket macros and stuff like that…but just straight up 1 button to be awesome (I’m looking at you “wrath era” Arcane Mage) should be dealt with.

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Challenge accepted…

I think that is fun.

As a Warrior I am going to have to put some thought into all of my keybinds and macros.

Years ago I tried to convince guildies that the best keybinds were around WASD. My most important abilities/macros/clutch go on EQRFTGVCZ.

Thank god we get to care again. Going to be so fun.

Let me know when you get yours…I will be playing a gnome…so with my engineering skillz I should be able to make it an UNBROKEN IWIN button :smile:

Engineers win in Vanilla PvP… From rocket boots to mind control caps.

don’t forget Poultryizers