Why Classic will fail

The game didn’t have that many players for a few years.

And when the playerbase declined we saw more microtransactions come to fruition

  1. Most if not the majority of gamers nowadays do not have cable. So no point in using this media.

  2. Streamers and youtubers are free and advertise to millions of people daily.

  3. Blizzard did advertise and did it bigger than they would of using tv or billboards.

  4. See number two.

  5. You need more tin in your hat.

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Wow didn’t see numbers this high till around wrath.

Because that’s the way online gaming progressed. They were making a profit before the high numbers, they just wanted to make more profit.

There is no reason to design Classic to fail.

If it’s more profitable than BfA, then Blizzard has a new revenue stream that requires they expend very few resources. If it’s less profitable, they can use that as an excuse to keep it a sideline project.

Nobody but Blizzard will know how many players Classic gets unless Blizzard decides to release those numbers, which they don’t release subscription numbers anymore.

So there is no bad reputation to gain, assuming that Classic being wildly successful would actually count as bad rep.

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Is this somehow a good thing now?

The fact you think classic will fail when we live in a society where a girl can sell out her bath water in a day for $30 a bottle, is laughable. It might not sustain millions but easily thousands for years to come.

I am going to give you a little advice.

A companies purpose is to make revenue/profit.

It was blizzards purpose during vanilla. It’s their purpose now.

Profit allowe blizzard to pay employees and make new projects.

So yes opening the cash shop to have another source of revenue for the company is good.

Why are you arguing against points I never made? My thesis is that business is business, the industry has changed & blizzard has changed.

You will get microtransactions that effect classic and alter gameplay down the road.

You literally asked if blizzard making money through thr cash shop is a good thing.

I told you why it is good.

I read your points as to why classic will fail.

And for one you are wrong on every point.

You’re missing the point. It’s not good for classic wow because microtransactions didnt exist back then.

If you have an untapped market with hypothetically more players than your current game you will want to tap into that market.


Im beginning to think you are a troll or just not that bright when it comes to business.

  1. Microtransactions have never hurt any business. Period.

  2. The blizzard cash shop will not affect classic since blizzard has no reason to. Bfa uses this enough

An intelligent response is predicated upon an intelligent statement, for which there has not been made.

[quote=“Cladamen-proudmoore, post:114, topic:232723”]

Im beginning to think you are a troll or just not that bright when it comes to business.[/quote]

Nobody is arguing against businesses maximizing profits, it’s literally the point of this thread.

Once again, not arguing against this, great for business - bad for gameplay. Try to keep up. It actually ruined starwars battlefront.

And my point is you’re naive if you think this altruism towards maintaining game integrity is going to be there down the road when cash shop microtransactions exist and Activision sells their games “as a service”

It’s turtles all the way down.

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I know you’re nervous about the future of Modern WoW but projecting much?

Don’t need it when the game builds on it self because its FUN to play… Unlike the present abomination that no one enjoys.

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We’ll just have to wait and see at this point, I’m hoping to eat my lunch and classic wow is a huge success and is true to the experience as possible without microtransaction cash shops

You don’t know anything about me, cupcake.

im hoping it will cause some changes in retail for the better. i know that will take time and will be diffiulcult with the games evolution over 15 years. classic will not fail and they could even take it to lich king, the last xpac before the fkd up and changed the talent system.