Pretty sure that in the wow cosmology, light (paladins, priests, lightforged) and death (forsaken, death knights) aren’t actually opposed forces. That would be light and shadow (Void elves, shadow priests) as well as death and life (druids and… elune?). So an undead paladin actually makes more sense then a lightforged shadow priest! Warlocks are chaos aspected, which opposes order. The only races that I would say are order infused are earthen and Dracthyr? Which, uh, can both be warlocks… huh.
We’re exceptional but not, like, unique. I doubt we’ll get Mechagnome Druids or Void Elf Paladins anytime soon.
Class restrictions are supposed to represent the racial cultures. You don’t start as anyone special. You’re just an average person of your race starting out in your racial starting zone.
So when Blizzard adds new race/class combos they have to explain why it’s now part of that race’s culture to be that class when it previously wasn’t.
Class restrictions, much like factions, gave the races a very good identity and culture that it is sadly going away and becoming like other mmos where everyone starts in the same zone and everyone can be anything.
It will happen. Exile’s reach happened, then all classes for all races started to happen. Soon we will Night Elves in Orgrimmar too and will be a comedy (Sorry future Horde Nelf players).
I wonder if Blizz will add something like race skins to at least keep some uniqueness to the races. Like Void Elf Paladins with purple/eclipse themed spells or Night Elf Paladins with moonlight colored spells too. But I doubt it.
LOL unfortunately today’s Blizz seems to agree with you.
The problem with the player being the exception is that the world is mostly filled with other players, so everyone becomes the exception and then it’s no longer the exception and just the norm.
I’m sure this is a forum with tantrums on public display that I am free to comment on as I see fit.
This garbage logic is the reason why classes and races in retail have zero identity anymore and there is far more diversity in class/ race dynamics in classic wow than retail even though it has 3x more races and 50% more classes
You remove strong and fun racials so that “everyone can play what they like” then you give every class the ability to be of any race and what happened ?
90% of the players end up Blood/ Void elves or female n elves or Draenei . That’s it
Horde looks nothing like the OG horde and the main horde races feels like a vast minority of their population
Class and race restrictions and strong racials were there to make sure every race / class combo feels distinct and there is a gameplay reason to be played one way or another and that’s what made wow feel like wow
Playing classic now I see race/ class combinations that I never see anymore in retail just beucase those races have lost their identity/ cool factor or because classes that made sence for certain races got given to pretty elfs and so no one plays those combos again making retail feel more like Disneys avengers where a bunch of pretty models in sexy outfits fights to save the world …
In vanilla your average warlock would be a sinister ambitious gnome or a menacing orc or gloomy undead, in retail your average warlock is blonde blue eyed elf fighting in tight dress
This is what “ every class can be everything “ mentality did to the game and why “less is more” is perfect example for this game .
Giving more options led to less diversity in class/ race combos and the classes / races lost their flavor
So no on your post
after they made warlocks available to all races things should be wide open now. I do like things being distinct though or some restrictions i feel are helpful story wise but yeah…feel like things are past that now.
This is a contradiction
then you go right ahead.
Bingo. Wish I could give your post more than 1
You leave us out of this. We’re the beautifulest most shineiest of dks, with hips that dont quit.
Adventurers doesn’t mean that you can have no affiliation and or can’t take jobs. It means you have a more freedom than most and are still more powerful than the average, just not on Thrall/Jaina level.
We got paladins for that, but this is only my own opinion.
Why do they get to hold the light by themselves, Us dark dwellers enjoy sparkles too!
I know, im just teasin’!
Hard disagree, but I’ll give you some reasons why.
To start with I’ll talk about your point regarding class diversity in classic. This is completely false in regards to the power of races. You realistically have only a few options depending on class faction. If you are an alliance warrior or priest you are playing human for the weapon skill and dwarf for fear ward. If you are not you are severally gimping yourself and most raid teams will not take you seriously remember, there are 40 players we need to gear. On the horde side undead warriors are king for the fear breaking as well as Orc/Undead being BiS in PvP. This leads to 90% of the faction being only one or two races. I don’t know what version of classic you are playing, but diversity is definitely NOT more prevalent in classic over retail.
To me, it sounds like you enjoy a certain aesthetic in regards to class identity which is fine. However, retail seems to be moving away from that idea and rightfully so. The story has progressed in a way that it makes more sense for race/class restrictions to be removed. There is good news though, as classic still has those restrictions and with classic+ seemingly on the way they will likely design it to keep class restrictions in since it makes more sense in the setting.
You say that but it’s not what I see playing classic anniversariy right now
Most warriors I see on horde are orcs, some undead and Tauren and the only one I don’t see much of is trolls.
Orc war is def the majority of the warriors I encountered
As far as priest goes I see many humans and dwarfs, not so many elves but I def do see some. It’s for sure not all Dwarfs as many still chose looks over abit extra power
Take those racials away and you will have 95% n elf females and humans due to looks and no reason to pick anything else
Also as far as priests goes different races favor different priests , like undead are great for shadow but not for healing while humans are great for healing but not so much for shadow etc
There are valid reasons to pick different race/ class combos based on your personal end game goal weather it’s to be raiding , PvP or just chill and personal style
Take all those away and in retail no one plays undead anymore as if you want to be undead you can be a model looking elf DK or dark ranger Sylvanas lookalike
This with racials being gimped and all mogs focused on how they look on humans and elves, the non human/ elf races are almost extinct as there is no reason to play them
Does ‘hot take’ derive from 'oh wow I need to take a S@@@? If so, then yes, your post is a hot take.
Yes, and do you know why you see a majority of Orc warriors? It’s because as a DPS warrior Orc is by far the highest DPS on horde side. They get access to weapon skill, as well as blood fury for the DPS increase. I’ll quote my favorite ex wow streamer Asmongold. “Player’s shouldn’t be able to make mistakes at character creation” and this is 100% true. If a player resonates with a specific race/class combination they should be able to play it! On classic if you pick the wrong race (such as any non dwarf priest on alliance side) you will be severely gimped.
People should be able to play the race/faction they want without fear of creating a useless character.
No reason to be rude. This post does exude “I’m having a terrible day” though. I hope it gets better buddy!
In a RPG players should absolutely be able to make mistakes on character creation. Particularly in a game where you can easily respec everything except class/race choice.
Also the forums have a funny idea of “severely gimped”. I played a Nelf Priest in Classic which is considered the worst pick on the Alliance and was far from severely gimped.
Some people around here act like a 3% difference in DPS makes you not viable anymore.