Why CE level raiders are worried about semi permanent choices

That was created by Blizzard.

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Perhaps but it would exist regardless. People would figure out ways to get an extra percentage and then push that as the one and only way everyone has to do things no matter what.

That last part is the issue, even far beyond min-maxing always existing; perpetuating the myth that it has to be this way and only this way and everyone has to follow it as though it’s gospel and pushing that on everybody even when it’s proven to be false.

The community wants to inflict this misery upon themselves, let them. If as many players get benched as these CE wannabes say, the CE meta will be so small as to be a non factor moving forward. And if they all do miraculously chain themselves to the meta, let them suffer. They’re getting exactly the game experience they pushed on themselves and others.

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I don’t disagree just saying that’s how games always end up. The top percentile have to do things outside the normal deviation for their own reasons (e.g. WF raiders doing anything and everything to make up for not being as geared as the expectation is when tackling that content) and then it just sort of becomes accepted that’s the only way to do it at that level, without ever actually understanding why they had to do it. People just see what they do and mindlessly parrot it like drones to everybody else.

If anything it shows people don’t want to think for themselves but want to be told what’s good/bad and then just follow it blindly without ever understanding when and where to do it rather than apply it with a large brush to everything.

People can say well Limit did XYZ in the WF N’zoth kill and then they think that everyone should do that because Limit did it. And they miss the reason why Limit had to do it that way, just seeing “it worked for them so it will work for everyone”

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The best part about all this is it’s an entirely community created problem and as Blizzard does great work attempting to break meta clone wars builds the community will adapt. They should go even further breaking add-ons like raiderio etc… To further help the people choosing covenants for RPG choices so it doesn’t impact most players getting into groups.

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No it isn’t.

We all know what is going to happen, people that want to do group content/pvp are going to pick the best covenant, if they dont they will be kicked from the group.

Since Legion Blizzard has not even come close to balance this “borrowed” power stuff, is foolish to belive they can do it do. 1 covenant is going to be the best for your spec and not picking it will signal to the other players that you dont care about doing the best in the content you are doing.

By 9.2 they are going to change the system.

This actually forces the meta more, you cant even experiment with other covenants, you get the best one overall or get kicked from group content.


Ah obviously you’re right how could we have been so missinformed in glad you explained your reasons and presented a great counterargument proving your point.

What happens when the “best” is a different one for each type of game style and Blizzard doesn’t cave to the people who want to switch freely for each one of these? That’s right you are forced to ignore meta and bring players regardless if there isn’t enough “meta” people for your specific content

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Imagined fear like Ion said, having an aoe ability won’t make you unable to do raids or pvp, maybe you shouldn’t be joining try hard guilds because even in legion and now underperfming specs can still get into groups if you are decent

If the players want to put those chains on themselves, let them. They’ve put the chains on everyone else for so long. Now they’ve been given a chance to get rid of them, but instead they’d rather shackle themselves right up. I hope those manacles don’t chafe too much. Or do. The gameplay experience they wind up with is exactly the one they deserve.

What on earth are you going on about?

I suggest you go and do progression on Mythic N’zoth (and then a kill) before babbling like this, then come back and tell us how you didn’t want every single point of DPS you could squeeze out.


THIS is the community created part. The idea that having an aoe ability will make you unable to do the content.

God forbid the meta players have to play with a weakness in their builds! We can’t force them to play a HARD game amirite?!?


Is not just the best, is basically any m+ or heroic raid pug.

Pretty much, if they aren’t allowed to roflstomp through content by stacking FotM aka something said content isn’t balanced around they ll rage quit xd

It is like seeing a demon hunter ragequit because he might have to play a caster in 5mask and it isn’t a complete roflstomp like he is used to, imagine actually playing on hard difficulty instead of Easymode xD

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That’s right man we have to play exactly like the youtuber/streamer says is the best and they keep crying over meta needing to be a thing.

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Ok so just like how in real life I can’t be the best at everything players can choose to be better at raiding or mythic+ they don’t get to be amazing on both

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I mean for me personally I think it would be more fun to have access to more that 1 set of abilities/passives. It feels boring being “locked” into 1 covenant for the whole expansion, we already get so few new abilities and missing out on 2 is not fun.

About the game being hard, WoW difficulty comes from raid and dungeon design, not how specs play.

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You realize that this covenant stuff means they can’t tune it as tightly right? If we could change covenants they absolutely could tune it tighter.

No I understand what you said I’m saying the abilities are only half the issues. The signatures are the other half.