Why CE level raiders are worried about semi permanent choices

And it used to cost upwards of 50g in a time where that was a TON of money, too.

Personally, it doesn’t cost enough to switch. I like seeing people squirm.

Don’t confuse being intentional with being smart.

Just because they did it on purpose doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly stupid.


Considering they quite literally said:
Ion: “the higher up you go the more that bothers you, we understand that feedback it isnt a surprise to us but across the totality of the game and the broader audience its that potential for differentiation between other characters, excitement, growth and power, progression not tied to your own skill that are some of the hallmarks of the genre”

Looks like the people who consider it stupid arent rly their main priority : )

dont worry they’ll fix the issue in 9.3 so we can praise them for finally listening

It’s kind of like we as players said to Blizz we want NO borrowed power and Blizz came back with MO borrowed power . No problem we’ll get right on that.


The issue is that players seem to have no idea why devs are doing things and how they work.

Borrowed power is never leaving, they learned their lesson that if you keep adding skills, talents things get bloated and they dont want that, so now their policy is in order to make each class feel different each xpac we need an external power system.

You can whine all you want but when devs make such decisions, it is over because they have learned from their mistakes.

Devs barely play the game. Ion hasn’t even done a 5 mask and he’s killed like 3 bosses since the corription vendor.

Players do play the game. We don’t care what their intentions are every time a new dev who hasn’t seen this song and dance like we have come up with ideas like this. We know how this goes. Players always reject these things and devs always admit their mistakes and always fix them for us.

This will be no different. The only question is when.

Seriously intent doesn’t matter if it’s clunky and unfun to play I don’t understand why this is so hard to comprehend.


This is the problem I think some folks have with Covenants.
It feels like another attempt by Blizzard to try and tell people how to play.

Like the flight debacle in WoD, it will only end badly imo.


remember that time that mage got that much needed nerf, but that nerf ended up being a massive buff to the whole class!

pepperidge farm remembers.

I think they should keep the restrictions, but untie the abilities from the Covenant and give them to us as the reward for completing the respective zone story-line. Then at end game we further commit to Covenant to unlock those Soulbinds and all of the other stuff that comes with it.

This way we get the freedom to be able to pick and choose which abilities we use all while keeping the meaningful choice of Soulbinds, mounts, mog, etc., with the Covenant.

That would certain help out a bit but two talent rows would be so much better and actually allow everyone to choose based on aesthetics and gameplay loop rather than power.

Based off what I said we would literally get all the abilities from leveling from 50-60, and it would be identical to a talent choice but they would just be abilities in the spellbook and we can only have 1 primary Covenant and 1 class specific on our bar at a time (like talents). Maybe you misunderstood what I was saying? What did you think I meant?

God forbid players have a weakness that they have to play around. Is the game so hard that you need max dps at every possible second?

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For people who do push Mythic content without over-gearing it trying to kill bosses faster than other mythic guilds, yes, yes it is.


And conduits being semi- permanent.

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All I have to say is, TOUGH. Let the game be hard. They want Mythic, give them Mythic.

They already said they’re changing them from the current design.

They’re still going to make them semi- permanent, just not destroyed.

There’s no need to make them semi permanent.

This is pretty much the most telling thing here. It absolutely is a community issue. The CE level people bring it on themselves by thinking it’s 110% or nothing even when it’s been shown that’s not the case (not that I can blame them for wanting to hedge their bets).

But this is an issue as old as gaming itself, and it’s going to take more than Blizzard deciding for an expansion to try and curb it to make it go away (if it can even go away at all).