Why CE level raiders are worried about semi permanent choices

The real question is, even though they want that, are they capable of making it? And I think the answer is no.


There’s a few things. No matter what system is implemented it will never be balanced. Players will find something broken and use (or abuse) it. Especially in running for a world first. Remember the debate about saronite bombs on Arthas? Or class stacking? Any perceived edge that can be gathered will be taken even when it skirts the line on cheating. Players have rolled FotM for as long as I can remember and when the inevitable nerf comes there’s an uproar.

So some guild decides they want to run warriors because they do slightly more damage. That’s their prerogative, but everyone decides to follow suit, that again is the person’s choice. They get that character geared, and whelp warriors get the nerf bat. It is like people crying that the class they left to play FotM isn’t as well geared now as their warrior because they didn’t touch it since they rerolled.

That’s what happens when you blindly chose to follow the meta. Things slip through, or fixes just don’t make it to the PTR in time for the content to drop. And sometimes people don’t report things so they can have their own little personal edge.


We would unlock both from question through the zone, the signature class ability and the covenant ability. Or at least that’s what I meant. You talking about the Soulbinds? Because I honestly have no idea how they would do that, unless they let us pick from all of them, lol.

What does that even mean ?

The only right way to play is the way each player finds enjoyable.

Made to play right is no different then picking the cookie cutter meta.

If you don’t pick this or that you are playing wrong.

If you don’t play this specific way our way you are playing wrong.

Just shut up with that already .

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Was that back in legion when some one made the Blizz you bleeping thread ?

Yeah I’ll be sure to the take the opinion of someone who has done 4 mythic bosses aka less than most of my alts about roflstomping content. Someone who has never done actual progression.

They had that in classic WoW. Mage was king of AoE. Classes like rogues were not.

i was thinking MoP

You mean when there were no external power systems and everything was purely based around your class?

Those are talents. I shouldn’t be punished for wanting to switch a talent.


Honestly, it’s not even all CE players, but rather the small subset of those who are racing for world, server, or top 100 first.

I’m parked in this guild right now and they will be CE before the tier is over. That being said, I did a couple raids with them in Heroic at the start of the tier and let’s just say I’m glad I haven’t been repeating that experience over the last 6 months. To them, it wont matter what covenant you pick because until you are pushing your spec to 100% capacity, small dps increases or supreme mobility abilities wont be the reason why you cannot do the content.

That being said, I think covenants open up potential for more guild versatility. For instance, you may not need as many mobile classes if you have some venthyr classes. You may not need immunity classes if you can get a phat shield necrolord.

Just play what you want because i would expect blizz to design fights where various covenants have a greater advantage over others so it isn’t dominated by a single one. It’s not like it matters to you anyway.

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Sure buddy. Ad hominem attack all you want. You’re suddenly correct because he didn’t kill the squid boi. Great argument.

And for the record, if you DEPEND on your character having absolutely no weaknesses in your build ever, you weren’t as great as you thought yourself to be. Did the game get harder for you? TOUGH. Deal with it or unsub.

It has nothing to do with it getting harder it has to do with it getting more annoying. We are essentially getting two more talent rows except with a ton of hoops to jump through to change them. Just give us new talent rows stop this borrowed power bs give us something permanent.

Do you recognize that, although you seem to rather like this system, you’re potentially going to be excluded from a lot of content because of your choice? This system isn’t going to just affect the top end; It’s going to inevitably trickle down until it affects even casual players.

Yeah, I hate borrowed power too. But, the covenant system is Blizzard’s way of forcing weaknesses into character’s builds. They want the cookie cutter to be so hard to obtain that most players can’t obtain it. When the cookie cutter is awol, more unique builds make in across all content. Making each warlock, each rogue, each priest, different from the last.

If even a hundred players find themselves unable to jam metas and cookie cutters down each other’s throats, the design intent was a success. There were so many clowns trying to force MDI’s meta on players at the +7 level. If the players can’t responsibly use the meta to create a civil environment, then they don’t deserve to have access to the meta.

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I think people worry too much about switching powers on the fly, just to get that little edge that it provides. I am more of the person that picks my path and sticks with it, so it be that I may gravitate towards either AOE build or toward a single target build. I wont flip back n forth every single fight just to squeeze that extra DPS. Its not that important to me.

But to many that play WoW they need that in their life to feel top of the edge competitive.

Look at my prog dude do you think I’m doing +7s? Keep in mind this is my primary alt not my main note title. I just want to be able to use the different talents not be locked into one. It also makes it less likely for a single one to get overwhelmingly nerfed.

So I’m curious then, do you think the meta is good or bad in general (not just for you)? Since people do force MDI level stuff on low level things out of blind faith or just parroting or what. Do you think it’s okay (not if people should be allowed to do it, but is it a good idea) to treat a +7 like a +19?

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Meta is simply a fact of life. Look at classic there are full on meta clears going on in classic right now sub 20 min clears. Getting the shard run done was semi challenging when the game was new. We are just so much better at the game now. You can’t really obfuscate it like it was in vanilla with the level of access we have to the api. Meta evolves because efficiency is important, it’s kind of just a thing in games now.

The internet has also increased this drastically. I remember printing out specific portions of a game faq about drop locations of items in KoToR way way back. That isn’t something I would do now because I could just google the item and find exactly where it dropped without pagging through a 70 plus page word document. Heck game guides as a whole basically don’t exist because everything is online. With the availability of info meta is basically unavoidable it isn’t good or bad it just is.

I do think there is zero reason to treat a +7 like a +19 because a +7 is a joke for me but there are legitimately players who spend the entire tier multiple nights per week working on clearing heroic. I don’t understand how but there absolutely are.

Basically I can’t control what people will do themselves I just want the option to play around with all 4 of the spells each of my classes are getting without permanently locking myself. I also don’t want to be stuck in another EV type situation.


Meta is just a word for playing a game as best you can.

Is it good or bad that people intentionally play WoW as best they can?