Why CE level raiders are worried about semi permanent choices

It’s an RPG choice. You’re playing an MMORPG. Things specialize in different areas of that game. It’s why when the game came out, shamans were the top AoE healers in the game. Nowdays everyone and their mother has an AoE heal for the sake of balance.

It’s why shamans were the only class with blood lust, but again… “balance” struck and we had to make people more equal to shamans.

Over the years what made shamans cool and unique no longer makes them cool or unique. You no longer bring shamans to groups for their lust. You can just grab a mage (who can also make water) or a hunter.

We’re going to homogenize the game so much you’re going to have everyone play the same because we need “balance”.

Some classes should have an advantage over other classes. That’s the whole point of playing an RPG.

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Uniqueness and balance don’t have to be mutually exclusive.


No it’s not.

Where did this nonsense come from that restricting what players can do is an “RPG choice”?

Have you ever even PLAYED an RPG? A real one, I mean. Where you sit around a table with other people. Not a video game that calls itself an RPG for some god-only-knows-reason that we’ve let slide for years.

RPG’s are about playing a character, like playing a part in a play. That’s what RPG’s are. Always has been.


I get everything has issues but man I’m feeling less sympathy for the people against this idea of semi permanent choice the more I read… not including that dumpster fire preach interview and 5000 threads on this here or on MMO-c.


actually, they are talking about not playing period. typically when the top 1% calls it, the CE and tryhard community calls it to. which means no in game economy because the tryhards on up drive it, no FtP, no gold goblins. no guides so you casuals can actually complete the content. no carries so you can pretend to your friends you beat the content.

i would love to hear ion explain why the expac under sold and subs keep dropping.

also, i can already see the casuals complaining “people always leave my key when they find out im not a vampire.” or “groups wont take me because my tank spec doesnt have swolkin or fleshcraft”

its going to be a poop shoot dude.

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And that is the issue, it seems that many people on the tryhard specture dont care about the RPG aspect, dont care about RPG elements, dont care about systems or mechanics.

All they care is epeen competition
Which is ironic that they do that in a game where the lead dev said non skill factors will always affect your performance. (Literally chill, game isnt meant to be taken ultra seriously)

So for me, it sounds weird that anyone who cares about competition and skill would play a game that isnt designed around tryhard competition and skill and a game where skill isnt in control of everything unlike overwatch where everyone is the same and skill is the ONLY deciding factor.

Ion gave an example of 3 hunters, if the only difference between those 3 hunters is who presses the buttons better then clearly that shouldnt be a thing in an RPG, tryhards shouted yes, but everyone else knows RPGs arent supposed to be like that agreed with Ion.

In other words some tryhards are taking a game that isnt all about skill way too seriously and honestly shouldnt be playing it.

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Have any of you ever actually played an RPG?

I’m serious, because I see a lot of incorrect terminology thrown around, here.


If Blizz could show that they can actually balance things then people would be less leery about having to make a semi-permanent choice.


Or if Blizzard didn’t have a long track record of making huge buffs/nerfs out of the blue that massively overshoot, and leave the players holding the bag for Blizzard’s mistakes afterwards.


Yup, like I said, this isn’t without it’s flaws no matter the size, my post is referring to some of the posts made so far and the attitude in which is accompanies it with. To be honest, no matter what happens, people will always complain.

Is WoW not an RPG?

No, it is not.

More of a simulation of an RPG. :slight_smile:

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The lead Dev Ion Hazzikostas has and is moving the game back to its RPG roots.

Seems like you dont like that, but good luck going against the lead dev of WoW on this xD

Isn’t that what classes and specs are for?

Why is it necessary to have more separation of what we are “good” at?

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I thought it was because I play a tank. My damage sucks and in classic I can’t really solo stuff, but nowdays on my DK I can do a bunch of self healing.

But for the most part it’s still an RPG to me.

Because Ion has never been wrong and reverted a change before.


Like, literally ever.

xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD


They’re going to get it wrong. They pretty much admitted that. But they’re trying to get it close to right.

Which is why folks are in beta and providing feedback.

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An RPG has freedom of action and freedom of story, and your interactions with the other people is only thing that really matters.

In an RPG, if I want, I can sneak behind the bar while the bartender isn’t looking and swap in a bottle of water for his vodka. Can’t do that in WoW.

In an RPG, if I want, I can sidle up to anybody in the inn and strike up a conversation to hear about what’s happening in the area. Can’t do that in WoW.

In an RPG, if I want, I can find a wilderness area and start chopping trees to build a shelter. Can’t do that in WoW.

In an RPG, if I want, I can go to the local leaders and find out who their political enemies are, and choose sides to play one against the other, either out of altruism or ambition. Can’t do that in WoW.

These are RPG elements. Being locked out of character abilities is not.

In an actual RPG, you could and would choose between different factions in the Shadowlands. That’s very RPG.
But it would not affect the capabilities of your character. That’s actually anti-RPG.


There are infinite amounts of RPGs where you are not locked into a single permanent choice that massively impacts your gameplay 10 hours into your playtime that is supposed to last 2+years.

This “MEANINGFUL CHOICE CUZ RPG AGAIN” is a pure, unsunstantiated meme. We once had Aldo and Scryers, and the reason that was fine was because the performance between the two was nothing. But thay choice didn’t make or break anything. And that was good. They were side roles that took a back seat to our class and spec choices like it should have.

Did anybody think BFA was any better because we had to pick between Gonk or f-ing Paku?


Actually, you could change between Gonk & Paku. :wink: