Why can't we use weapon illusions on ranged weapons again?

The problem is that someone at Blizzard seems to hate the very idea of letting Hunters put illusions on their weapons.


Still whining about this. Blizzard should at least have the decency to let us “glitch” illusions onto our weapon like we could do in Legion.

I am also extremely perturbed I can’t enchant weapon illusions onto my ranged weapons. Here’s one more vote for the change.


I want firey arrows. Or arrows that trail leaves falling!

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Yeah this needs to be a thing. The Covenant Illusions are a major reward milestone and we should be able to apply them to our ranged weapons.


Still waiting to see it happen

Adding my vote to the list come on Blizzard this makes no sense and it IS very unfair to those of us who want to main a hunter especially due to the fact (as others have mentioned) giving use illusions for our Covenants and for PvP among MANY other ones is a spit in the face to hunters if we don’t want to use a polearm and if you’re like me, I feel a bow/gun is what makes a hunter a hunter. SO I will shout it from the roof tops if I have to GIVE US ILLIUSONS!!!

Putting in my 2 cents as well. Just reached renown 38 and saw an illusion available, so I thought I’d check it out before paying the anima cost to purchase it. Turns out, wouldn’t work! Thanks Blizzard, I guess I should just roll another toon, since this one can’t use the reward I earned for it, because…reasons?

Fix this. Lots of people here are asking for it, undoubtedly lots more are choosing to remain silent believing their request would fall on deaf ears. Let’s hope you prove them wrong.

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Fix what? Fix the fact that you thought you could put a melee weapon enchant appearance on a bow or gun? Games been like that forever. Blizz can’t fix your brain failure either for thinking that. Wanna use the illusion? Roll survival and use a melee weapon.

The enchantment slot on a ranged weapon is used by the engineering scope item that provides a small benefit to the weapon. Those scopes are basically enchantments of their own. The weapons preclude any other type of enchantment from being used to prevent additional benefits. This carries over to Illusions which are still enchantments.

Blizzard would have to reconfigure every single ranged weapon to fix this. They haven’t dedicated the time to do so.

That makes no sense to me. Other characters I play have both enchants and illusions on their weapon, so why can’t ranged weapons have both? I have zero background in coding so I’m unaware of any technical issues preventing it, but it would be nice to at least have a blue response explaining why they can’t.


Because they are specifically coded to prevent them. Just like they were on November 23rd, 2004. I suspect the second slot (which illusions take) was used by ammunition, which no longer exists.

Hmm, okay. I’m a wrath baby so I haven’t seen things since the beginning. But I recall them saying something about the backpack size being tied into some core code that couldn’t be changed without causing some major issues. Seems they found a way around that, finally. Maybe they can find a way around the ranged weapon/ammo issue as well.

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Me too. :wink:


I am sure they can… It isn’t so much as finding a way around it. It is about dedicating a resource to fix the issue.

They should be allowed to have illusions, since technically they are “two handers” since they take up both weapon slots. If anything they can could be “main hand” since that is the slot it takes. You can illusion a wand, so I think you should be able to do a bow or gun as well.

I think blizz just doesn’t want to do it bc its very low on the priority list and they would actually have to do their job and make them look correctly.

Plus, blizz doesn’t want to jump the line across illusions for all weapons and offhands. They will allow weapons and held in off hands to be illusioned but not shields. Imo it’s stupid, just cheap blizz being cheap.

I doubt it’s about being cheap. I think it’s like Sorelai said: they have to make it a priority and dedicate the resources/personnel to fix it. Thus far, they haven’t. I think most of us here can agree that we would like to see this fixed, so let’s hope they read this and make the choice to do so.

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I noticed for the first time admittedly the SL weapon enchants do not have spell FX.

Imagine being this desperate to defend Blizzard’s mistakes lmao

Is this actually based on anything they’ve said? Because this sounds wildly improbable.

As Hurtssogood says, melee weapons can have both enchantments and illusions. The more likely explanation is that ranged weapons would require different animations and they can’t be bothered making them.

They have said that enchantments and scopes are the same thing in the past. Though applying the auras is probably part of the fixes they need to apply. Some ranged weapons already have auras so the technology exists in the game.