I distinctly remember having the mongoose weapon illusion transmogged onto my Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle. It looked amazing and I felt awesome running around with it. Something changed in BfA though and now I can’t get it to work anymore.
What’s the point of the change? What’s the logical reason why my rifle can’t have an awesome weapon illusion transmogged onto it, Blizzard? It worked great in Legion.
You havent been able to put weapon illusions on ranged for years.
I managed to finagle it onto my rifle during Legion. Again, it worked and looked great. There’s no logical reason NOT to be able to do this.
It would be great, look better on guns than bows, dont know why they dont allow it.
This is one of those odd topics that never gets any traction to Blizzard but a handful of us are super pissed about it.
Because you can’t enchant ranged weapons, and illusions are old enchants.
But… why not? Again, I feel like I’m repeating myself, I got it to work in Legion and it worked well and looked great. Why can’t there be official support for it from Blizzard? It seems like a huge oversight.
Bumping this in hopes it gets noticed.
I dont understand why ranged weapons cant have an illusion.
That’s been my point every time I bring this up. There is no logical or even programming reason why bows, crossbows, and rifles can’t have illusions applied tot hem. It’s just an oversight that Blizzard made with modern WoW.
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Then they need to revamp the system then. Shields, Ranged, OHs and Wands (im guessing) should be able to have them.
Imagine the old dragon head gun with Fiery on it. Or Orb of Arcing Lightning having mongoose on it. A ICC shield with Riversong on it.
The problem is that it’s probably such a small percent of the player base that I’m not sure the dev team are even aware of it.
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Time to bump this up again. Come on, guys. I can’t be the only one perturbed about this little oversight on the dev team’s part, can I?
I think it depends on the weapon model having anchor points for the enchant effect. If it has no anchor points, it can’t display the illusion. Most ranged weapons don’t get anchor points in their models, you’d need to find a model that has and try to transmog to that appearance first, then apply the enchant illusion.
An Illusion?! What are you hiding?!
You also couldn’t transmog before… so
But transmog isn’t all-inclusive either. Show me where I can mog a cloth armour item onto my hunter? (other than cloaks of course)

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So? You also couldn’t mog fist weapons with swords, that changed.
It all can be done, its just they won’t
Yes, I know, they can but they don’t, etc and so forth.
Me personally, I wouldn’t mind if I could put the Ragnaroth flames look on my gun, but it does fly in the face of logic. Admittedly, Blizzard isn’t always terribly logical so… It might happen

I did. You could transmog an illusion onto the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle back in Legion but they “fixed” it so now you can’t.
It’s so odd. Why did they do that? It makes no sense. They TOOK AWAY something I’m sure many players would’ve enjoyed and was working perfectly fine anyways.
Well, then it’s a deliberate change, which I agree makes no sense.
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