I keep reading that as Flintstones. I’ll just call them Fred.
The change in the upgrade levels is clearly due to trying to solve for some of the issues the currency and upgrade system now applying to raid gear will create. For example the evoker staff drops off the second to last boss. Many guilds that mostly just stop at AOTC can still kill M Eranog and M Council or even easier yet do a M+ key high enough for the Mythic crest. This would give raiders a Mythic crest for upgrading a piece of gear. So if the heroic evoker staff is not capped on how high it can upgrade then I could upgrade the heroic staff to mythic ilvl despite not being able to kill the boss on mythic thus diminishing the achievement somewhat. The other issue the limited upgrades seems intended to solve is guilds needing to run every lower raid difficulty in order to get specific items and then just upgrade them as high as they can. Now this will still happen with the system as they have designed it for S2 because there are items that are so strong that upgrading a normal drop to max heroic ilvl is still better than just not having it.
Very true. It’s gotten so bad now that you can play for 12 hours and feel like you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing in game.
So, those players accessing 415s, why do they not have “Cutting Edge Title - killed the Final Boss in Mythic Difficulty”?
Blizz is generous to get these people participate in Mythic Raiding. Full decked ilevel 415s is nothing if they are no CE.
It’s called Welfare epics. It is like Catch up thing just like from Korthia and Zereth Mortis. DF would have it on 2nd Season. No Catchup systems on Expansion Release and First Season.
Each category has its own currency and rewards. You dont get high end M+15 loots/gear by doing PvP and vice versa. PvP gets PvP gear and M+ players get M+ Gear. Raid gear is similar to M+ but its loots on Weapons and Trinkets are the Best… in general.
FF14 is trivial. If you are Soft player who loves Trivial stuff, you would enjoy it. WoW has Trivial Stuffs too but its highend loots and gear are only accessible by serious gamers.
pretty sure you mean only the most tweaked addons
but no the reality is it’s people that form a team and play as a team, always.
This game is not hard
Agreed who cares where someone got the gear they have and at what ilvl, it started at. If someone grinds from low ilvl to an high ilvl they in fact did put in more work, time and effort then someone in a m+ for 30 or less.
Yeah, teaming is nothing if you dont make an effort. Mythic Raiding is doing YOUR BEST EFFORT. Best effort is getting all the options on your Vault done. 8 Raid Boss Kills/ 8x M+20 completion every week. Is that easy? ROFL.
Would DBM gives you KSH medal? ROFL.
Everyone should be CE and KSH if this game is easy. How many are CE and KSH? ROFL. Some players are even whining for not getting invited in groups. ROFL. Slap them by responding “This Game is easy”… and add Ion’s word… GITGUD and tell me if they would agree.
Teaming is everything when it comes to end game progression
no one doing this isn’t “making an effort,” but at the same time this isn’t professional sports or a high stakes job or something lol… it’s a video game.
I am 7/8 heroic vault with a casual guild, and almost 2200 IO from casually pugging M+ into 17’s and haven’t even put in any real effort because I play for enjoyment, I haven’t even tried to push my M+ because it’s not going to matter and I would rather play at my pace and finish as the Season ends instead of half way through.
It’s ok, I know this isn’t good enough for many to have an opinion, but I couldn’t care less.
Who said Modern WoW is not Casual friendly? I am Casual too. I am not even KSM… YET. I am not even AoTC… YET.
I PuG everything and I am Casual. I am on a slower pace becoz I PuG. Players with awful M scores and awful ilevel are the only ones inviting me to their keys as I am not acceptable yet with KSM groups. But I would get there like how I got there from previous Seasons. I am not complaining. I like it how it is.
But I would never say this game is easy. YOU HAVE TO MAKE AN EFFORT. Your addons would not propel you to KSM or KSH.
BTW, I believe the reason why Dungeons on WoW are somewhat complicated… with affixes becoz Blizz is combating addon makers. They dont want to make this game trivial garbage. I am not complaining on the game difficulty. I like the way it is. I just want gear and I would beat my personal game objectives at my own pace. I dont need a guild. But if I want to beat Mythic Raiding, I would need it. However, that’s not my goal.
Feel our pain!
I wish I could just upgrade my gear doing WQ and such.
I would love to get tokens to upgrade gear and not have to sacrifice a good trinket for something I don’t want just for ilvl so the one I do want will drop at a higher ilvl…
If the basement dwellers, bipolar raging bulks and GTOW Alfalfas didn’t spend 18 plus hours a day on WoW - then we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Just pointing out that Op is spelling it wrong when the ingame menu says otherwise to their spelling.
I agree. Between the new currency system and the new ring (?) which will probably be bis, I’m looking at sitting out the rest of DF.
Yeah yeah. I know, no one will miss me.