Just read over the novel for the new currencies in 10.1. It’s another conflagration of rules and limitations.
Only upgrade so far for non-raiders. Raiders have to regrind for the next tier.
Look, why does this need to be so complicated? One currency: Valour. Spend valour to upgrade your gear as far as you want, just below Mythic Raid so they can have their trophy.
Nice. Simple. Easy. Used to do that in Wrath. People loved it.
FF14 does it. I think that game is pretty popular. Yup. #1 or #2 MMO on the market depending on the release schedules of it and its competition. They’re not afraid to let people upgrade easily and to a pretty high level. Why is WoW so frightened of it?
Because things being bloated/convoluted chews up more of our time.
There is one currency and one token per ilvl tier. If that’s too “convoluted” for you…I think you may be playing the wrong game.
Understanding these systems isn’t the problem, not being able to ignore the fact that something has been altered in order to make it chew up more time is the hard part. Does it not bother you when we get some cool content but it has been gated and twisted into a distorted version of its former self just so that Blizzard can be happier with our engagement metrics?
“Cause we fix it until it’s broken” - Blizzard motto.
Incoherent rambling aside, changing the name from “Valor” to…what’s it called…“Flightstones” isn’t exactly some fundamental shift in reward structure for the game.
OP, its valor not valour. There’s no U in valor for wow’s version. But I agree.
Blizzard feels that they have to design these systems to keep solo, casual, and open world players from accessing higher iLvls, hence the need for multiple “ceilings”.
chiefly British spelling of VALOR
But this is US-based wow, not british wow. Not sure how they are confusing it when the ingame US wow menu says “Valor”. No U.
FF has 3 dungeon currencies and a currency per raid plus tokens. Come on now.
It may be that, but I’m pretty sure the metric that truly hits the bottom line is the recurring monthly retention, see trading post.
To me, they lean into using straight forward time blocking to achieve their financial goals each month/quarterly, but finding the balance between that and fun is something that I think they should work on.
The gating is a bit too obvious at this point for me.
This game just needs complete deterministic gearing.
Ahh more solo players wanting heroic gear from braindead content.
Good luck with that rofl
I can agree with that statement.
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That wasn’t even hinted at. Is your record broken or something?
If I read that stupid thing right, if you are climbing up keys and manage to pick up a possible BiS item early, this new system will cap how far you can upgrade it meaning you will have to farm the thing again at a higher key level.
Again, if I read that right, I feel like this is a step or two backwards lol.
Also, why did they need an entirely new system? Why couldn’t they have just revamped and expanded the valor system? Like, huh lol?
If you are talking about a main job, it’s technically one plus whatever drops from the raids.
Once I read it, I thought it was a lot. Too much. Then I read it again and realized it’s just gonna be another grind, another currency to get. It’s not complicated. It’s just more bloat.
I just wondered who drew the short straw of translating the devs intentions to the rest of us.
I am not. There are poetics and whatever wierd latin name they make for the mid and high tier things, then theres a totem per boss for extremes, and a token per slot in raids (with one per difficulty).
In addition their gear is wholely uninteresting as there is really only 1 state config per itemlevel band.
Here is a chart made for this patch and is needed each patch: https://i.redd.it/9m0i6fgoznba1.png
edit: I forgot there were books and other nonsense in addition to the raid drop items you also need.