So yeah, 1 plus whatever drops from the raids lol. Not sure why anyone would bother spending midtier tomes on gear unless it’s for alt jobs considering they are outdated.
The books are from Savage.
So yeah, 1 plus whatever drops from the raids lol. Not sure why anyone would bother spending midtier tomes on gear unless it’s for alt jobs considering they are outdated.
The books are from Savage.
Cool, we can get bags of nuts to upgrade raid gear. So less convoluted
So 1 thing again lol.
1 thing on top of a new token on top of 1 of 3 different reagents.
so 3 different currencies per item slot
You get the reagents from just standard gameplay. If you are raiding savage, you don’t even need to bother with it lol.
from savage you need the token piece to upgrade. its in the chart I linked.
So there are different paths per content type and multiple currencies is still the point.
This new system is 1 universal currency and 1 per difficulty band. Thats it.
You don’t upgrade savage gear…
What do you think the op is asking for?
It’s badge gear with a different name.
Can you read?
4 different types of currency drop from the 2nd and 3rd savage fight, 2 for the others, which are unique.
Like, you do realize the books are for buying the gear from the vendor, right?
You do realize the wow system is 1 stone and 1 item per difficulty?
The point is is nearly the same and using FF loot as if its “simpler” when a giant infograph for 3 different content types have different stuff and it changes every patch is disingenuous.
FF14 technically doesn’t. It actually follows a very similar system to what WoW is implementing.
Flightstones == FF Tomestones
Crest == FF Raid drop items to upgrade tomestone / books from raids / totems from trials.
It’s the same thing except this one is actually better because you can miss a week of capping and you can make up for it the following week.
I’m pretty sure buying the gear from a vendor is simpler no matter how you cut it lol.
No developer or designer will ever want this.
How do they put it on their resume?
Simple isn’t always better. FFXIV has a lot of complaints about it’s current gearing system.
I think this system that is being implemented sounds nice cause it sounds like you can upgrade any item with a few exceptions (pvp crafting and what ever else)
It does a couple things it keeps content relevant as there may be a good item you want to upgrade and use over perhaps something that drops in the raid or new mythic season.
It adds more dynamic gearing options rather than a linear path.
Upgrades are capped. If you decide to push into higher content, you have to farm the item all over again.
I am pretty sure you have to use a different crest to upgrade them further. Unless I misunderstood something in there outline.
Because meta slaves and hard core try floppers would cry how there is nothing to do after 2 weeks
Seems fair to me.
Get an item from LFR or +2 to +5 you can only upgrade it to Normal level or +10, etc.
So to get it to the highest level you need to do nearly the highest level. Not get to 421 level solely from running +2 to +5 hundreds of times.
Otherwise may as well start it with heroic dungeon gear being upgradeable. Cos why not ?
Yeah, it’s great for raids but it’s garbage for Mythic+ when the gear doesn’t change. With raids, the gear was capped based on the difficulty so for a true BiS piece, you had to push into Mythic. With Mythic+, you could technically get your BiS piece at a lower key level but use valor to upgrade it to the appropriate level you are doing keys at. Now, it seems like you’ll have to farm the same item all over again for each upgrade bracket or just get lucky and get it on the higher keys.
I get what you are saying but if they wanted to help raiding out, I feel like they should have just expanded on the already existing valor system.