Why can't we have a simple PvP gearing system

I blew all my cooldowns and escaped a rogue with 40k HP yesterday. I kited him around until some teammates/me killed him. VERY, VERY satisfying and I was a 165ilevel.

He was after me like crazy the rest of the game, but I view that game as a win and we did win (we were an undergeared team vs a superior opponent, but we didn’t give up and captured the flag with 30 seconds left in the match).

I disagree with any and almost all of this 100%. If I’m undergeared going up against a superior opponent, my best bet is not to dps. Its to CC and disable with any skills I have to help my team get a kill.

Some teams are just so superior you will not succeed, but this does not apply to the majority and you cannot give up!

Just to clarify. I have 17 buttons on my UI I have to push to get results like this. If you aren’t prepared to process these buttons in the order they need to be to escape/get the win…

Most pvpers on the top end enjoy having competitive fights. What you are describing aren’t really pvpers, they are griefers.


Griefers are pvpers too. Why are you like this? Just stop

Griefers aren’t pvpers, they are literal scum. It’s an IRL personality trait that they take into the game. By your own definition, they are people who want the rewards without the competition.

In other words, the type of person who would buy a boost so they can use their gear on people in world pvp, random BGs or low CR rated pvp.


I was PKed multiple times a week by the same character over multiple weeks over multiple months until I reached level 60. This was over 12 years ago.

One day after I had been level 60 for abit and we were on equal footing, I fought that griefer and beat them. From then on, when I fought them, it was an equal battle.

That in my mind was not griefing, it was a challenge to me to overcome the man-made perception of what I could be and I will never give in to that.

If somebody is cheating/abusing the system YOU RISE UP AND DEFEAT THEM. End of story.

What happened to you is the definition of griefing. You didn’t eventually win because you improved your skill. You eventually won because you improved your character level.

It’s quite another thing to improve your skill as a player until one day you start winning fights against someone who was routinely beating you.


I think you are griefing me with ur obtuse stuff and whatever. Why are you like this

There has never been any change to the game intended to encourage people to play less because it’s not healthy to play videogames too much. If anything, the current system is designed to benefit those who started to play the game like a full time job (with unpaid overtime, no less) at the beginning of the expansion and has continued to reward those players with unimaginable power.

The effective result of timegating is to increase the gap between those who play the game right - like a serious job - and those who do not.

Many people with zero experience or knowledge in some field come up with ideas they feel are fresh and untainted by those with time invested and an axe to grind - or territory to defend. By all appearances this is the expansion that Ion intends to prove that all the failed ideas and implementations of the past that they were forced to revert would have worked out if only they hadn’t “caved” in the face of mass unsubs. Players would have “adapted”. Casuals would take up mythic raiding if they were given no choice in the matter. LOL.

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It would make more sense to have battlegrounds match players up based on their item level…
Something of a 0 to 5 difference, in other words, players with gear level 180 to 185 will be allowed to play that battleground. This should give new players a good start at honor points.
Running a fresh leveled character is a nightmare.

it would take you hours to get into a game in any mode or bracket

Same tired idea that is like a bandaid that causes more separation of the player base and increases q times.

Why can’t you guys just advocate for decreased power gaps.

It’s funny you mention this. It’s almost like we had a system that practically eliminated the redundant power gap. Which at one point turned PvP into a true skill-based environment for a time.

But who needs such a system? Let’s keep re-inventing the wheel and eventually reach the same conclusion 10 years from now.

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