Why can't we have a simple PvP gearing system

What would you guys consider as a reward system for gear?

pvp never really had a huge reward system unless you went into arena for arena gear.
BC and Wrath wise, once you get enough honor points to unlock your BG gear, you were pretty much just hording Honor Ppints for the whole year. At least I was… i never needed to go beyond this, personally, to have fun in my BG content.

The template system i created in the following link: PVP Gearing Rework -- Template Page System

in this system, you gain unlockables that you can use to improve your gear and your char’s power, and as well as cosmetics. Some unlockables are not permanent, so every time you change your gear due to new cosmetics, you would have to regather those resources. So there will always be a constant goal to earn something, while avoiding conflict with pvers and unequal matchups due to huge gear difference.

Remember, this is just Battlegrounds. Which is were most of the casual play go to.
Arena is mainly used as the competitive scene.

Same here, in BFA I would grind battlegrounds all day, everyday because putting in the work was worth it. I was always advancing by putting in time and playing. I don’t do that in Shadowlands and if I didn’t have a 6-month subscription paid for I wouldn’t be renewing. Now, I just farm some Anima then log off. This gearing system is stupid.


I would say if blizzard were to implement an actually fruitful amount of cosmetics or mounts it could help but not everyone plays for those and blizzard would never put that much work into PvP.
WoW is an mmorpg and what makes mmorpgs special is the feeling of character progression as you grow stronger and stronger. There were tons of videos by creators and forum posts on here describing “there is a certain feeling about finally grinding enough points to buy your bis weapon.” It didn’t seem like this mattered that much when we had it back in the day but it was painfully apparent in legion and BFA.
Also I have zero faith blizzard implementing any sort of new unlockable system, and not making it unbearable. Slands and BFA are dying because we already have so many systems.

What would people play NONE Rated Battlegrounds for? I am just trying to understand because no one is really giving an answer to this.

Gear progression only really mattered in rated arena. Those who go into battlegrounds just wanted to have fun and enjoy the pvp content. It was never about Earning Gear, if they did, then I am not sure what gear they were trying to earn in none rated content.

None Rated BG template system.
Customizable resources:

  • Customizable resources
    • Enchants, gems, gear cosmetics, Class gear set traits, Torghast legendary enchants (for pvp), Primary & Secondary Stats, PvP talent Page.
  • Customizable resources To unlock :
    • enchants, gems, gear cosmetics, Class gear set traits, Torghast legendary enchants (for pvp).
  • Permanent Resources once Unlocked:
    • Cosmetics, Class gear set traits Torghast Legendary enchants (for pvp)

Everything gear gave, is right here in a template system and more. More player power control, more customization, more content than one set of gear piece for most of the game’s release.

I just want to understand more of what the community wants to come out of None Rated Battlegrounds? If we can’t give an actual direction with this, then the devs would never really get it.

Also, thats why we paid them for. To give us content and meet expectations. why are we supplying so much for us to getso little in return?

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I just feel like people are directing the devs and other players into making None Rated battleground a unnessary chore. This is where most of the pvpers (casual palyerbase) goes to pvp and have fun, not to really unlock BIS gear.

IF they make BIS gear for BG that competes with Rated, i fear it will just be a huge chore of Honor Point grind that will just force players to find other means… Basically ShadowLands… Which is why i pretty much quit this. I am just on Unused gametime from the SL hype that i reactivated

Like I don’t know about you guys, but i just want to PLAY THE GAME.
I want to go in there and fight other players as we tussle over Territory control.
Not go in there worrying about The Chores placed on me in this game.

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Theres really nothing “cool” to get.

Most raids, dungeons, arena armor, weapons, what have you theres always this one item that you are like “wow, gotta have it”

I don’t get that here. Most of the stuff I want just comes to me from quests and besides those items, theres nothing worth investing my time into to get.

I think the feeling of “getting all your bis gear” stems from how you geared in old school pvp where the gear wasn’t upgradable. If I remember correctly there were really only two sets of pvp gear to get rated and honor gear, and you had to grind to get full sets of either. But once you got all that gear you were done. I think the problem is now, there is a really long gear grind to bridge a huge ilvl gap, and back then it was a long grind for a small gap if that makes sense.
Playing the devils advocate here, do you not think players would feel bad if for example they got their legendary piece and equip bonus, but once they queue up in a BG they have to unlock the ability to use a stat they already have outside of the instance? I know that was rather annoying in Legion because they turned off legendary effects in pvp and a lot of those effects changed your play style massively.

Pretty much why i am giving Classic TBC a try. I just want to go into my BG, get my gear and be done with it. I don’t want no huge gear desperately. If there wasn’t any at all, even better but w.e… its the closets we have. IF this was WOTLK Classic, i would be super happy.

They will, but that can be adjusted easily. If players got it in torghast, than that power should be automatically added to the template system. The whole point of the template system is not meant to be a farm fest. You also have the opportunity to unlock it with honor points for your template gear (if we are talking about my System), so no need to even waste time doing Torghast.

At least my “system” design is simply based on providing an equal playing feel, some level of progression, and mainly tons of customization/player power control.

this is grossly inaccurate

when peeps do random bg’s they care about their gear making them stronger, a huge chunk of arena participation is only to get gear to have more fun in random bg’s because that is largely where you reap the benefits of your gear grinds

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Well lucky for you, that is basically Shadowlands. So i hope you are happy with it at least /shrug.

For me, gear is just a tool for me to design how i want to allocate my power. I don’t want to have an handicap bone thrown at me. I don’t want to have anything that gives me a edge over my opponent because its not fun. That’s not PVP for me at least. I want to win with my own skill, not because i clearly have a huge edge over my opponent.

this shadowland issue we have right now is literally Low level char BG brackets TWINKING scenario, but at endgame

buddy I’m not saying your suggestions might not benefit the pvp community in general, I’m just saying it is extremely inaccurate to say that gear doesn’t matter in random bg’s

maybe your ideas would make it so but we’ve yet to ever see that aside from WoD and MoP style gearing where EVERYONE could get the same set of BIS gear for their class and that gear was balanced against the other classes (but everyone wanted that BIS conquest gear to be stronger in random bg, which is the point)

legion had a hard fixed 10% gap that was almost entirely from pve activity plus a power delta that came from various borrowed power stuff - legion didn’t really have pure templates and fairness at all but it did kill off the pvp gear grind because it was hopeless compared to pve options

nobody is arguing that the gear gap isn’t stupid right now and chasing away players

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Just clarifying, in case that I am not explaining it well enough.

My point is that gear should not matter in None rated battleground. At most, we should be allowed to customize.
But granted, this is coming from someone who believes they need to focus more on class/ spec design over Borrowed Power. I also hate this talent system and even more so the pvp one.

It is irrelevant to me whether my ideas are effective or not.
I just really don’t understand how people want Random Battlegrounds to stand. Now it could be my misinterpretations, and if it’s me i apologize .The way I am understanding things just feels like it won’t change the status quo and it annoys me lol.

I’m playing like f***ing crazy, and enjoying almost none of it. Just burning myself out real fast trying to get to golden plateau that is the “level playing field”. By the time I get there, I will probably be burned out enough to un-sub instead of enjoying it.


I tried doing that early in the season, burned out right after I got to 1.4k.

I’ve just started playing again a bit, but staying logged in for more than half an hour without wanting to do literally anything other than play WoW is difficult.

Because Blizzard wants players to participate in rated battlegrounds, as research has suggested that it’s more watchable than arena, even though arena is the standard for the e-sport aspirations of the game.

By tiering the gear system per rating people are incentivized to play rated bgs, since its the fastest gearing path in rated pvp. They gave you a problem (gearing) whose solution is to queue something most people don’t (rated in general, but RBGs in particular)

Adding solo queue so the people intimidated at the bottom of the ladder have an entry point that isn’t sending out their resume to teams in LFG is the actual solution, but it is one the lawyer took a firm stance against once, so we’re stuck until a power shift occurs within leadership.

That’s not the answer some people want to hear though. :^)

I give up. 7 -> 22 renown to upgrade honor gear? Even when I do a bunch of quests that I HATE more than anything in the world, I can’t even get to 8 Renown? It’s not worth it anymore. PvP is more unbalanced than ever. Everything is way too gatekept. Like, I get it, gear shouldn’t be given out like candy, but don’t ruin player quality-of-life by forcing us to experience content that we don’t want to experience. As a casual player, we’ll be long into the next xpac before I’m acceptably geared for PvP. No wonder people buy arena wins…


I don’t know if it’s an issue of having too many devs, but it’s almost like they’ve been creating complicated power systems on top of other complicated power systems to justify their time at work.

I wish the devs would just keep it simple…



You have to realize there are actually 3 areas of gear progression, BGs, Rated BGs & Arenas, Raids.
Raids, RBGs & Arenas have always been driven by the best comp or classes.
Most Hunters don’t fit in Arenas or RBS, do well in Raids and Mythics but man, I hate doing those.
So unless I want to abandon my Hunter, which I have mained for the last 15 years, to play the class which Blizz made into the best Arena or RBG class flavor of the month, all the begging I do in chat goes no where.
Thus I enter BGs as low rated cannon fodder, and I am tired of that.
Let me grind honor or conquest in a BG, aquire a bis whose ilvl isn’t stuck at 200 while all the cool kids are at 220.

When (if) you gear up to the highest level where you are geared and on par with the top geared players in the game…

Then the defects between classes becomes very evident. Especially in PVP. That is where the meta can really be felt and why people tend not to deviate from it or create builds designed specifically to break the meta. Creating macros, looking for UIs to help to get an edge over class abilities.

Its a whole next level of things you are doing and frankly, if you are complaining about gearing up, then I don’t think that level is for you.

Most people complaining about gearing up are alts who are trying to gear up another character so…

I lost any hope that pvp is going to be fixed in 9.1. It won’t until the real WoD system comes back.

I will continue to PvE to get gear in order to enjoy random BGs. The good thing is I like M+ so is not a forced content. I could do Rated BGs but it takes too much time to form / join a group, and you can’t do nothing in-game while waiting.

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