Why can't we get a plain bikini bottom?

I think the whole thing is over designed.

But that is a theme in WoW mog.

Having grown up reading Red Sonja I wouldn’t mind a chain mail bikini mog


Yep. i like the bikini but seems weird they didn’t have a skirtless option.


They’re probably trying to avoid accusations of “sexualizing women”

I want a thong… * flexes butt *

sings the thong song

They really gotta make variants with/without those 3d models.

Yeah it’s great that we get more complicated clothing, yet still some of us want things to look sleek/plain and butt-capes, massive collars, chest-tables ruin this.

I’m an Orc that likes some of the finer things in life…

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and we would like you in the waggle lounge.


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Yeah that’s a good question as even men could wear them if they wanted… I also recall flaming motorcycles that seem warlock themed being datamined and those haven’t shown up at all either. God I hate WoWhead sometimes as it feels like they’re teasing us or giving us false info about stuff at times

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Gonna have to wait a little bit longer, but in TWW we are getting the option to transmog our pants off. Not the biggest thing in the world, since most races don’t have many undergarment options, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Eh I actually like it, it’s cute in a typically extra Warcraft way.

But I definitely agree it’d be nice to have more options. I don’t know if they care too much about it being risque, I mean, the Bloodhunter set is pretty showy.

FFXIV glamour looks better. A wide variety of swimsuit options from more conservative, to more skimpy, to more extravagant. Just sucks that you can only store 800 items for glamour in the glamour storage.

They probably decided not to put them in the trading post, because they listen to the Twitter crowd who don’t play the game.


nah i told them to deny you the bikini bottom from spongebob squarepants.

Yet, Roadhog in OW exists


If you want a bikini bottom you should be a MECHAGNOME!!!

Pages and pages and pages and pages of thongs. It’s hard to find a nice dress, let alone a pants suit.


Nobody wants to be Mechagnome. BE GONE :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: !!!


i’d rather eat one of those geodes that crumble into thousands of tiny sharp razor fragments than play as a mechagnome


Rawr XD 10char