Why can't void elves be paladins?

This is a horrible idea, not because I dislike faction conflict but it should NEVER EVER get big enough to start another “war”, it should return, but remain at the levels of heat we saw in Vanilla, BC, Wrath, and WoD. Even cata was a little excessive.

I feel like BfA’s faction war plot was so bad it fitted MoP’s with a more generous nostalgia filter than it really deserves. The Orkish Horde, war criminal warchief, and sic semper tyrannis plots were trite even then; God only knows how Afrasiabi sold Sylvanas as Garrosh, the Forsaken as the orcs, and Teldrassil as Theramore in the writing room.


She was sort of Garrosh and Arthas smashed together. WoT was her scourging of Quel’thalas, down to them making an analog to her own struggle against Arthas in Delaryn Summermoon being forced to watch the eradication of her people and then raising her into undeath in the service of her killer.

Afrasiabi was in the director’s chair for WoD, Legion and BfA, so I think he just pulled rank.


Just gonna leave these here.


Void elf paladin… so much stuff to see In telogrus, incredible.

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I really like they left a permanent portal up in Legion era Dalaran. That will be great for RP purposes.


Oh, and Umbric finally got a bit of a glowup.

To be fair, Void Elf Priests can still use the Light.

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Can someone PICK up that phone!? Cause I CALLED IT! Void Elf paladins… now we can put that to rest.

I should be glad he got a new look.

I’m not though. Xal’atath STILL looks more like the racial leader of the Void Elves than either Umbric or Alleria do. Pathetic…

Because Blizzard is taking their time with the classes that have unique race art assets. That’s pretty much it. Void elves will be paladins eventually once Blizzard gets around to making paladin mounts for every race.

While true, it is likely the only reason Umbric got any sort of glowup is because someone on the quest team took the time to do it rather than it be required.

Xal’atath is the darling of the art team with Major Raid Boss level funding for model development.


Speaking of Xal’atath, I hope blizz pulls a Azshara with her and she survives this saga, so we can possibly see her again down the road.

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Speaking of which, I wonder when Azashara will show up as the other ‘herald’ for Dimensius. Midnight, perhaps?

…because we all know she will actually intend to somehow usurp him and become a void lord or something.

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Between the dark heart questline, that was pretty darn amazing and the emberthal visage questline that was meh at best, we got plenty of Velf lore, and It was a thing I wanted since BFA.

1 - New void elves are being made by the day, how the process works, we don’t know.
2 - Some void elves are purple, some are not, the PC customization is not just to please high elf rpers.
3 - Void elf darkfallen canon, still wonder which one happened first.
4 - void elf paladin npc gives me hope Paladin for all races will be an 11.0 surprise


Did you notice all the High Elf Wayfarers are gone now? The silvermoon scholars remain, but the high elves must of either left back to azeroth or converted to Team Purple.


At the time, no. People cried about it being similar to kung fu panda or something. As the WoW playerbase (physically) matured, more people came to the only conclusion that MOP was some of the best worldbuilding this game has ever done.

I honestly did the thing at night so I missed most details, I was sleepy.

I think they fully integrated and the Silvermoon Scholars are new people as the old ones have transitioned. I bet we’re going to see a schism in Midnight where maybe close to half of the Blood Elves convert giving two factions huge numbers and the more that convert. The better for the Ren’dorei.

Remember, and I’ve posted this elsewhere a couple times by now.


He talks about it about 30 seconds in.

“The biggest implications for players familiar with our lore are Lightforged Draenei, that’s the big one. And then obviously, because all of Warlocks’ powers are predicated upon kind of Fel and Void usage, how does that jive?”

Lightforged Draenei Warlocks can use the Void. This dev says it himself. No reason to assume the opposite can’t be true.