Why can't void elves be paladins?

Is just speculation, don’t worry about it.

What annoys me is there’s already the visicious white bonesteed. So the Forsaken’s charger model is already sorted.

So kinda waiting on why tf I can’t have a knight in not so shining armor already. There’s already a bunch of undead Paladins in the Scarlet Risen. Just say Voss brought them into the fold. It’d be relevant what with the recent Scarlet sheningans and be a cool end to their arc.

Because they ultimately do get to defend queen and country just in a new spooky format. Finally finding self actualization in what you once swore to destroy but didnt bother to try to understand would be a cool subtext note to end the OGs on.

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Idc about evokers but Forsaken Druids would be easy.

Just call them RAS Mycolomancers.

Apothecaries already shape shift via potion downing fairly regularly. Then say they’re using fungal plague magic for the rest of it.

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Just speculation.

I base it loosely on Metzen’s comments about, “Uniting the elven tribes,” in Midnight, and the long standing issue that has been Void Elves, Blood Elves, and High Elves in the game. It seems a simpler solution in the long term to merge Blood/Void Elves into one race at character creation, giving both sides access to customizations the others have, as well as racials.

The alternative would be to continue to try and develop assets for two separate races that, honestly, don’t have much reason not to share assets to begin with. About the most that’d be realistically exclusive is void corruption customizations, but really, if the elven tribes are uniting come Midnight, then you’ll have Void Elves in Silvermoon and Quel’Thalas, and there’s no reason some wouldn’t choose to side with the Horde at that point.

It would be cooler if they added race specific spells. Optional of course. So if I want a void elf paladin, instead of it throwing around golden sparkles, why not have void looking spells? They’d still be the same paladin spells but all void like. Call it a void knight or something.
This came to me when I rolled a kultiran druid and it started shooting moon sparkles instead of that cool dark magic from Drustvar.

They haven’t done the paladin wave of making everyone paladin but they’ve said its harder then warlocks since every races paladin has their own unique mount. So if they were too, it would take time.

I heard Blizzard isn’t currently working on Class Combos from the interview that was dropped about few days ago which stinks because I was looking forward to Kul’tiran Paladins and also Alliance Elf Paladins.


I’ll take a fat void chocobo that farts rainbows and sunshine from its tuckus! A truly Light/Void mount for a Void Elf Paladin. I can wait until they make it so.

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For real XD I mean It would most likely be a Hawkstrider and the Blood Elves would rage since they get a horse

I would still just use the legion charger since is the one that actually flies…

Petition for paladin racial chargers to all fly.

I like the PvP Courser mounts as far as flying horses go :dracthyr_nod:

They are cool, but with paladins i limit myself to the charger mount because of the skill charge, which uses either your racial mount or a the legion charger with a glyph, i just like consistent things, thats why my only paladins are a human and a dwarf, because they are the only ones the horsie fits (though not so much for the dwarf).

My void elf monk uses the lucid nightmare as a mount. Fitting.


Speaking of characters. I am thinking of making a Panda Monk. But just keeping them in Pandaria content. :dracthyr_nod:

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There is solution for everyone >>> * VOID ELF PALADIN

I am absolutely highly skeptical that that “if” is coming to pass. I’m predicting that the effort will blow back severely enough to start the Fifth War. By that time a reheat of the faction conflict will be overdue.

Blizzard has had two faction conflict expansions, both of which were wildly unpopular, unsatisfying, and remain some of the bigger sore points amongst players to date. I highly doubt we’ll ever see another faction conflict expansion again. Certainly it will be MUCH further out than Midnight, as we still have the Last Titan to go with, and that’s not a faction conflict expansion.

Besides, it’s not as if Faction Conflict Expansions required the Pandaren to become playable only to one side or lorewise to support only one side.

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Wasnt MOP one of everyone’s favorites?


The writers really need to think through the consequences of ideas and actions in a story.

Just as likely it’s the higher ups that don’t care about things like coherent stories so much as social media metrics and blowback from something that might actually be supposed to enrage you or make you think only to get the pay out later on down the road.

Sounds right. If they keep brushing aside consistency, they’re not going to get those metrics or story payoffs. Shadowlands was a bust - it made more than Dragonflight, but it destroyed much of WoW fans’ goodwill and even big names like Uther, Arthas (look how they massacred my boy! As if they couldn’t possibly take any more dignity from Arthas…), and Sylvanas couldn’t save it.