I would imagine it much like a discipline priest except a void elf paladin. One that uses both and masters them equally.
Bodies imbued with Shadow. Shadow is the opposite of Void. But they can still be priests because the Light will grant you mercy, but not authority.
…is the explanation I would give you back when Blizzard still cared enough about consistency to keep this rule intact. Then Lightforged Warlocks happened, and it all went out the window. Now the only thing holding them back from letting everyone be paladins and druids (despite the absurdity) is just implementation.
I would say that everything can have a roleplay context, why can’t an orc be a paladin? Anyway, he could just believe in the light, maybe a void elf paladin repented of the void and tried to purify himself?
I know you’re agreeing with OP but when I first read this I interpreted you as basically saying “works on my machine” as if OP is just the only one who can’t play a velf warlock lol
The sad thing is if Blizzard leaned into this (they won’t) it could be an actual interesting way to characterize the race.
tbh part of the problem is they’re willing to touch up racials, but I doubt they’ll do a full class’s worth of glyph effects for one race (also a major reason I expect nelf paladin to disappoint a lot of the people who expect to be given a knight of Elune)
Yes, this. I like this idea.
Lorewise? Because Paladins were the exception, not the rule, in Quel’dorei society. Elves trained by the human Paladins, such as Mehlar Dawnblade, were rare. Blood Knights were a specific order, founded specifically by the Sin’dorei, in a very unique way. So that rules out the “High Elf” -esque Void Elves, most of whom left Sin’dorei society precisely BECAUSE of the morally dubious things they were up to. Void Elves themselves are beings of pure void, and this makes them literally an oppositional force to the Light.
Gameplay wise, I expect everybody will get Paladins soon, as Blizzard gradually moves towards an any-race/any-class model. The thing holding up Paladins, Druids and Shamans specifically is their unique models, their class mounts, forms and totems respectively. I expect we’ll see any-race Paladins before long.
But I think the points above may have been the reason for the original decision, back when race/class restrictions were still somewhat meaningful. Though not fully, as Lightforged and Void Elf Priests were always a bit wild due to the nature of that class.
Void elves might inherit the Blood elves’ original shtick of forcing the Light to do their bidding instead of serving it. They seem to be pointing to the Void being open to all possibilities, so I imagine that way of thinking wouldn’t be opposed to using the Light as a tool just like everything else.
Void spell animations would be cool tho
Unfortunately like lightforged warlocks velf paladins will be available eventually.
I guess in terms of gameplay, having unlimited choice in race/class combos is better. But in terms of lore and sometimes just visual aesthetics, it can get pretty dumb. Lightforged Warlocks have aesthetics that clash violently and look like visual vomit.
Give it a few patch cycles
My money is on midnight by the latest
Both the Church of Light and the Scarlet Crusade, as well as Odyn seemed pretty authoritarian to me.
This is the only right answer. But you know Blizzard still trying to “separate” factions even tho they’re giving Dwarves to the Horde and our cities also are being invaded by these smelly creatures. Oh, the bias. Blizzard hates blue for sure.
It is coming, But certain classes like Shamans, Paladins, and Druids demand a lot more work to open up for each race. So it’s not a question of why not, but when.
It will be tricky to justify. Given Paladins hold the Light inside them by definition they would not be a void elf anymore as the Void and Light cannot exist in the same place at the same time. They would be cleansed into a high elf paladin.
Void paladins solves the issue and it’s something people keep overlooking
We can have man’ari paladins right now.
I don’t think there is a hard limitation here.
Fel and Light are not polar inverts, they are from different sides of the proverbial cosmic railroad tracks, certainly.
of course there are demons who use arcane magic which makes no sense either…
…Let’s be real it will happen because the rule of cool compels it. They are quite willing to chuck all logic out the window if they think a thing is cool.
Current lore the Void Elf wouldn’t be cleansed but would be infused with both similar to Tyrant Velhari is a dark paladin.
We also have that Void/Fel boss created by AU Gul’dan. I’m sure you can mix two different forces but they have to be balanced or they’ll be unstable. Being Lightforged Draenei wont stop you from being a shadow priest or warlock same as a Void Elf being a holy priest or paladin.