Well… The quirk there is light and void tend to explode upon contact.
Even the Naaru cycle between Void and Light. The two powers aren’t incompatible at all, they’re just opposite sides of the same coin.
When you get down to it, none of the, ‘opposite,’ cosmic forces cancel one another out. Sargeras, a being of order, became a being of Fel. Ardenweald exists in the Shadowlands. The Naaru switch between Light and Dark Modes.
We don’t have a hard confirmation of that, We just have that based on that alleria and turalyon could not touch each other for a while.
But they are seen later touching each other, so it was probably a temporary effect.
At worst it could be something like forsaken channeling the light, which causes severe pain for them, but no real damage.
When Alleria and Turalyon tortured the orc in Arathi Highland to collect information they were able to perfectly combine lightforged paladin magic with Alleria’s shadow powers to guide them to the answers they needed. A perfect union of both powers didn’t kill the orc but it did do a number on her. Any power when properly harnessed and controlled can create both explosive and productive results.
That’s because man’ari are just a Draenei apperance customization option as opposed to a completely separate race. I don’t think that just giving the Void Elves the Blood Elf Paladin models would really work out.
Hot take: where Blizz shot themselves in the foot with this was the introduction of Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei. Creatures literally changed and shaped by their partial merging with these powers. That’s a new idea. Blood Elves took on the fel, High Elves Arcane, sure… but it wasn’t to this extent. It didn’t impact every one of their abilities. And the only magic fel-use seems to outright prohibit is shamanism, and even then not to the extent that green orcs couldn’t eventually reclaim it.
By introducing a race based around a cosmic power, like Light and Void, one of the key classes they need to be able to play is priest. Which, depending on your spec, focuses on Light, Void, or a bit of both.
Which means that in both cases you now have canonical examples of races using powers not only against their societal values, but oppositional to their very nature.
With that in mind, what’s to stop Forsaken Paladins? Gnome shamans? Tauren rogues (yeah, you heard me, stealth is against their nature, they BIG BOYS)
At this point, they might as well open the floodgates completely. Except maybe to hero classes. We probably don’t need dwarf evokers running around, breathing fire, burning their beards. If people can use powers opposite to their very nature in lore, then it doesn’t seem hard for them to learn these powers from other societies, in an increasingly multicultural and connected Azeroth.
I don’t think you understood what i said.
Light and Void exploding is also supposably the foundations of the Wow Cosmos big bang.
Alleria in Shadows Rising mentions it being painful when her and Turalyon touch, but they sure didn’t explode.
That might have been a slight over exaggeration, but I’m open to being wrong
So with that in mind.
Void elf paladins would be the most full of willpower paladins in existence.
Constantly in pain from the clash of shadow and light inside their bodies. But enduring it whilr showing valor.
That sounds like an awesome idea actually. I like it
I think the best was a Lightforged Draenei going thru a Void portal and getting the tingles. I think we are to take that as Void Elves opening portals and using it with Lightforged is supposed to be that both can use each other’s powers but like Forsaken using Light. It hurts and/or tingles depending on what they are doing. I think Blizzard is walking back that using opposing forces would cause immediate destruction. It can if not controlled, but balance is key.
I had forgotten about the void elves using their portals during BfA. That is another good example of both groups working together and not destroying the world on accident
I feel like people on here want to make it sound like its impossible, but we have so many examples going back to WoD and BFA that should put to rest this whole the opposing forces will immediately fail. Sargeras a being of arcane used fel. Even the other titans used magics from opposing forces. It’s not just Light v Void its all cosmic forces. They can use each other’s magics.
Margrave Sidane told Calia that necromancy is necromancy regardless the magical origins the actions result the same. Undead in her case. Same with any opposing force. We have Warlock Lightforged Draenei and Man’ari Paladins. That alone should kill this idea and bury it 6 feet under!
I mean, if a Man’ari, a literal demon doesn’t die from using the light, and if a lightforged paladin can cross a literal void portal without dying or causing a cascade explosion, than I don’t see the problem.
Where things get dicey is when a being absorbs too much of a certain type of magic and is changed by it, and we’ve seen it with multiple races now, not just elves, who are more prone to it.
Exactly! The balance and the means is just as important. If you become unstable in using fel and your a blood elf you become a felblood elf. Everything this game has shown us since BC is addition, overuse and lack of moderation results in excess and instability. Usually ends badly, but if an affliction Lightforged Draenei Warlock can use the darkest magics then why should we freak out at the sight of a Void Elf Paladin. They swing the Light and don’t die from it.
I just feel like they should stop walking back limitations because they know people want a thing, is all. Limitations give structure and meaning.
And it’s okay to feel that way. But I’m sure whatever internal metrics blizzard uses to determine these sort of things, it appears that those who are against it are in the minority
And things like void elf paladins or lightforged warlocks aren’t hurting anyone at the end of the day. It’s not like the game is going to treat them any differently. Void elf paladins will just be yet another generic paladin that the game labels hero
Limitations are great when it was Vanilla, but the moment they gave the Horde paladins in BC and shamans to the Alliance via Draenei and Blood Elves. The argument for restricting classes became moot. Each expansion paved the way for loosening these restrictions in Cataclysm, Legion, BFA, Shadowlands and DF they’ve done this. From warrior Blood Elves to Hunter gnomes. Each expansion whittled away these restrictions and now we have rogues and warlocks for all and soon to be paladins, shamans and eventually even druids.
If a rule isn’t well defined then I think making small nudges towards change isn’t entirely bad.
But if something was set in stone, I would think differently.
The fact that disc priests exist in itself is proof that you can work with light and void at the same time.
Fel and arcane used to be the same thing before chronicles, not two opposite forces.