Why can't the Comp Stomp AI be used in Raids?

If they are making premades shutter in fear, why not enable for PVE?

I mean FF14 does it.


Because you’re not playing a solo RPG.


wut? The AI was a joke when I ran it this week.


they are consistently being 5 capped?

but if they really wanted the AI could perfectly execute boss strategy and DPS rotation

I think an AI group for dungeons so new tanks/heals/dps can get a run through and gets some hands on experience, rather than watching a youtube vid and hoping you don’t mess up.

So basically a training tool for players wanting to practice without the burden of having real people to be considerate/weary of.


You missed some of the posts yesterday then. Skynet is evolving.


We had two games where the AI appeared to react differently to certain actions we took. Still wasn’t a problem, so if more severe changes have taken place then that’s…neat? I guess.

I would imagine we actually are getting a fight like this in a raid someday, possibly even this expansion. The one in TOC was a colossal failure back in Wrath, but with the Faction War being such a heavy theme this expansion I could see them giving another go at the faction champion fight for raids.

Don’t get me wrong, I saw a lot of the AI group moving from stables, get halfway to lumber mill, turn around, then go halfway to gold mines before stopping and making up their minds, so not perfect yet. Lots of time and room for improvement.


It shouldn’t even be a brawl. What a joke


It sure feels like it when I play in any of the LF* content like Dungeons, Raids and Warfronts so I don’t see the big deal.

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I don’t see the issue with one dungeon being made to train roles in which you are playing with AI. Maybe they could even go the extra mile and put cool transmog in there (cosmetic only even) to give noobs an incentive to practice their role. It could scale from lvl 15 to max lvl so anytime you think about jumping into a new role you could train for it first without the fear of disgruntled players screaming at you.


That’s the Proving Grounds now, but I can see AI learning as you level or leveling them up and choosing their skills and talents.

Still 5-capped them today.

In another one I saw one of the toons stuck in a time loop after rezzing at the graveyard. He just sat there and constantly resummoned his mount - over and over.

It wasn’t until I got close that it broke the cycle.

I literally saved his life.


Was it on Tuesday? Typically most of the “EZPZ” posts stem from when it first launched on Tuesday.

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You know subs are in a horrible place when there is Blizzard sanctioned PvP that is Player vs. AI. lol gg


Yep. Pretty much this.

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If premades are shuddering in fear they are not good premades.

I was I. One we didn’t try to win and still won. It was close but we inte tiinally did not calm any incoming etc. Just to see. We just responded. Still won.

So yeah they are not very good

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Apparently I missed those too.

Granted working weekend doubles so I have not touched the game since Friday afternoon so there is that as well.

I don’t know, those A.I. can fight better than most players. Their strategy just needs working.