Why can't Shaman's be Human?

I mean, in real life I can be a software designer.

Why can’t I be a software designer in game?

Because they have no cultural ties to Shamanism.
That simple.

As long as there is lore for how they got it. Nightelves do have close allies with shamans that they can pick it up from. And we currently have loads of nightelves primalists practicing what could be argued to be a corrupted version of shamanism. And there are nightelves that have defected from the primalists. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch if those started to learn the craft correctly, perhaps from draenei teachers.

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I want gnome druid gnome shaman gnome paladin gnome DH gnomevoker

Because that’s how it was in EverQuest, respect your elders

Gives you a first person perspective of being in a fantasy world. Some characters are fun to experience that way, as a self insert of sorts.

For some people, Tauren or Trolls represent them more than humans.

Meanwhile their totems:

we neeeeed lol be amazinggggggg i love the two hands twirlin castin animation frt into aflip its nuts haha

I imagine it’s because humans in wow aren’t tribal. They don’t live close to nature or the elements. They shape the land into cities and such and live pretty disconnected from the elements

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