I know it’s silly but even IRL there are Human Shaman and Humans can wield the elements so why can’t they be shaman?
Because totems are effort to make.
Im sure they will be here soon though
Speciesism being pushed by space goat lobby.
Human =/= Shaman
Hu =/= Sha
Do the IRL shaman cast lightning bolts or lava bursts?
The only mostly sane human shamans are the Tidesages.
edit: If you mean because of humans in the real world? Warcraft humans are not real world humans. The closest might be the Pigmies to real world humans since they didn’t originate from titans.
Grammar police level nitpicking but…
“Why cant Humans be Shaman?”
Shaman donʻt get to choose their race after they become shaman.
Kul Tiran can be shaman.
because then orcs can be pallys and then its game over ofc.
LOL This thread love the response keep it up
Shaman Union rules.
i personally want a nelf shaman SOOOOO bad like the flip plus the casting animation. damn itd be cool
NE Shaman would be pretty beast. Would be awesome if when you cast a totem it grew out of the ground like a small tree with flames on it or water and so on.
OOOF man quit it now i want it even more jeez
Because WoW Humans are the biggest stink and unworthy
fair lol but ngl i love pretendin im reckful anytime im on a human toon, just reckful bun with the evil face. iconic
i can think of a particular one that was found innocent of bogus charges n released.
Blizz said summer 2022 that all race/class combos were gonna slowly be rolled out. Patience, young shaman-wan.
Speaking facts.
It’s coming, along with Druids and paladins for everyone, just gotta wait a bit . . . Though outta those three shamans will likely be first so you got a bit of a shorter wait . . . sighs in void elf paladin