Why can't Lightforged be Monks?

Monks use the contrasting forces of Spirit and decay. Life and Death.

For instance, Touch of Karma and Touch of Death.

Blackout kick uses Dark chi, embodying decay.
Rising Sun Kick uses Light Chi, embodying spirit.

Everything about the WoW universe is self balancing.
Void spawned from the Absence of Light
Life necessitates the existence of death
And Disorder quite literally was spawned from a fallen titan, a creature of order.

Everyone everywhere has light and darkness inside of their soul. Same with life and death, same with order and disorder.
EXCEPT The Lightforged. They literally burn all the darkness away. They are off balance.

I’ve never seen anything about monks using Decay. In fact the only thing about decay I’ve seen is that it’s only used by really evil types, dark shaman and corrupted druids. Plus, Touch of Death and Blackout Kick are names of martial arts moves, not dark-magic attacks.

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Azeroth has elements. you know.

Earth, Fire, Water, Air.

There’s 2 more that people don’t talk about.

Spirit, and Decay. They are as natural, and healthy for the universe as anything else.

Monks use both. Monks are actually pretty close to Shamans.

Monks embody balance, and use of both forces. Not just one.
Lightforged Draenei do not have this balance. They make themselves unbalanced because it gives them their strength to do so.

They are not monks, and they will not be monks. They lack one of the fundamental forces of the universe in their souls.

“The elements of fire, air, earth, and water serve as the basic building blocks of all matter in the physical universe. Shamanic cultures have long sought to live in harmony with, or assert dominion over, the elements. To do so they call upon he primordial forces of Spirit and Decay. Those who seek to bring balance to the elements rely on Spirit (sometimes referred to as the “fifth element” by shaman, or “chi” by monks). This life-giving force interconnects and binds all things in existence as one. Decay is the tool of shaman seeking to subjugate and weaponize the elements themselves.”

That’s from the Warcraft Chronicle. A monk would use chi/life to bring balance, not decay. I’d go so far as to say that any monk that did use the spirit of decay, if that was even possible, would likely be very evil and unbalanced. Are you getting the decay thing from a lore source anywhere or is this just a headcanon thing?

It’s from gameplay. Abilities like touch of death.

it’s right there in the name.


It’s not called touch of Spirit last time i checked.

So you think a monk that ONLY uses the light half of chi is balanced? That’s not how balance works…

Balance comes from all forces of the universe you know… The Lightforged Draenei are short one of those forces. They don’t work.

I believe it has more so to do with the gameplay sense of monks worship and deal with a sort of magic that has nothing to do with the light. However, there are plenty of other monks that are not specifically pandaren monks and even fanons that there aren’t solely pandaren monks. But, with Lightforged they are an entire race and makeup of the light.

Light Chi is a thing.

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So is Dark Chi though. And The Lightforged ain’t got none of that.

Touch of Death is a martial arts move. There’s a wikipedia article about it.

There is no dark and light chi in wow. Chi is life energy and the power of the monk’s inner spirit and lifeforce. Decay is not part of the monk class. Lore you made up in your head doesn’t count.


lightforged draenei even got a joke about it…
for them pandas and monk thing are what they like to call “circus”

A more important question is why are goblins and worgen STILL not able to be monks? They were around before Pandaria for craps sakes.


I dunno, When every other race got monk available I just thought it was the Cata Curse, but with LF Draenei not getting monks either, it’s just weird. It seems like they wanted to make monk a ubiquitous class that every race could learn, but then they just chose 3 at random and said, “except them.”

Personally I think its a travesty and makes no sense. They are arbitrarily locked out of being monks even though every other race can be there (With the exception of worgen and goblins… Which is equally as stupid that they cant be them either)

No pandas in space to teach martial arts

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