Why can't Lightforged be Monks?

If Void Elves are filled with darkness and can be monks, why can’t Lightforged? Not having even one leather-wearing class sucks.


Because mists are not THE LIGHT!

But really, little with monks makes sense.

most leather armor in wow is made from goat skin. please be more sensitive. theres a reason we dont wear leather


Ok ok I’m sorry but still, is there an actual reason as to why they can’t be monks or were they just arbitrarily hard-locked into having only 5 classes for some reason?


Because Lightforged only believe in the Light. Chi is heresy.

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They tried, but during meditation sessions they glowed too much and distracted the other monks in training.


Because Lightforged are dumb and should have only one quest on initial login.

[Take the portal to Argus and stand somewhere forever.]

Upon activation the portal should audibly emote “Always remember… you don’t have any friends.”

Lore-wise we recruited the playable Lightforged into the Alliance immediately after the events of Argus. That meant we were reduced to the actual tactics and training that the Army of the Light employed during 7.3.

I expect they’ll retroactively add Monks later


Is there a benefit to Lightforged Draenei Monks over regular?

The light doesn’t approve punching people in the face.


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WoW monk class is tied to a psuedo religion… being lightforged is ultimate baptism meaning you’re 200% committed to the light.

You can be non lightforged and do whatever you want, use elements, mists ect.

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Void Elves are elves that are twisted and corrupted by void magic.

But they still retain some part of who they are. They aren’t pure void.

The Process of becoming Lightforged literally burns all the Darkness out of your soul. It’s why only Draenei survive for the most part.

Monks are about Balance.
Light and Dark. Spirit and Decay.

That doesn’t exactly mesh with the Lightforged… Who kinda want to burn the unfaithful, and purge the wicked.

LF Draenei weren’t around when we went to Pandaria to learn to be monks. Void Elves were still Blood Elves back then, so they went, got trained and then drank the void koolade.

Or LFD just find that leather armor makes their skin itch… whichever.

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Yeah, but neither were Maghar orcs or Nightborne and they can be monks.


You’re not going to beat the darkness away with your fist. You must hit it in the face with a hammer


You kick it in the shins then? :boot:


Hadn’t the LFD been fighting the Legion for centuries already. You’d figure they’d’ve picked a class by now. Orcs could be new and got trained by other orcs as they grew up. Nightborne… well, they didn’t get out to do much fighting before. So they get to start from scratch unless they wanted to be an arcane mage.

Because apparently becoming lightforged makes you forget how to punch.

Honestly LFD got screwed the most for available classes. They are more restricted than pre-cata tauren…


Tattoos… on monks… TATTOOS and the beards.

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