Why can't I transmog my pants off?

You can just take them off entirely.

*i see you

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New poll: Who thinks Blizz should just remove pants entirely from the game? I mean, what purpose do pants actually serve these days??

If only brutus hadn’t been sus. Maybe the gaulic and germanic conquests coulda happened faster. Caesar bad apparently.

A battle takes a lot of effort. Armor is great protection, but also can cause you to overheat rather quickly. Modern cinema shows us everyone in full plate, when really that was for the wealthy. Metal wasn’t cheap, let alone the services of a blacksmith skilled enough to make it into armor. The typical soldier was in layered leather and/or cloth armor, and if they were lucky, some chain mail. Heatstroke can be more deadly than a sword. Go do some high impact exercise while wearing 20 to 30 pounds of winter clothing, even on a nice mild day, and see how long you last. :slight_smile:

To keep the dribble in your pants instead of the ground when you have the Azrothian quick step. Tauren skin rugs are a bear to clean.

That and the celts were some crazy mofo’s. There’s also that whole infection thing killing more people than the fighting did and getting stabbed through dirty clothing was a good way to get an infection. The Woad they used to paint themselves blue was also antibacterial.

Celts were really freaking crazy. I hear they’d eat town centers. Leading them to many victories against all but the most hardened veterans

Ok? Not sure what that has to do with anything.

I was responding to someone else who had responded to another about celts. Meme all you want but thats what happened.

Oh now, don’t be so hard on yourself.

I read this in their accent because of how you typed it out. Well done.

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That would make you a ‘Bare Bear’ :bear:

I dont think we’re ready for that jelly

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Why can’t I transmog my pants off?

Noone wants to see that.

This is the internet, you know there’s a dark musty corner of it filled with those that do indeed want to see that.

Holds finger in front of mouth, Quiet Place meme style.

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I just want more options for loincloth style transmog.

You’d be surprised at how many whispers I get offering gold for every article of clothing I remove.

It isn’t about the fatness, it’s about the confidence we use to carry around this fatness. It attracts major tail.

Hooch not wear pants anyway. Lots of people yell “Hooch put some pants on!” But the hooch with that! No hoochin way.