Why can't I transmog my pants off?

Because no one in their right mind wants to see that.


Fuzzy daddy

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I too would like to protest the wearing of pants. I want to Porky Pig it daily, nightly, and ever so rightly.

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Folks may gets mad at me for bringin’ up FF14 against buts.

My Monk was a skirt fanatic. Almost every mog she rocked had some sort of skirt, and it was the bests.

Not havin’ even a single skirt is a crimes.


And they were conquered anyway.

Never understood people who charge their enemy naked. It does nothing but make it easier for the enemy to violate them on the battle field or cause fatal wounds for an easy victory.

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Speak for yourself

The fact that you aren’t also pantsless irl is why you can’t have it. You gotta commit!

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As i said “right mind” lol

Hey what’s wrong with a thicc shirtless man?

I would if I could be in game!

All I hear in here is body shaming,


I’ve seen myself in the mirror…

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Took them a couple centuries and over a million deaths before they finally managed it. Hell of a fight for a bunch of naked barbarians vs the most advanced military in the world at the time.

Problem is only cloth can do that.

Roll a cloth!!

Omg,ok, :flushed:

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/waves hello

You can unequip them for now.

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