Why can't I fly?

SL pathfinder can be earned or paid 3mil gold to get right away.

Could you please provide your data backing up this statement? If I recall, there was a massive wave of cancellations when they said no more flight going forward. Which is how we arrived at the pathfinder system.



Shadowlands is removing Pathfinder req to fly in WoD and Legion(but you can’t get the mount unless you do achievements), you’ll still have to do BFA thought.

Eh? Wrong. DEVS voted no flight back. The majority of players rebelled and the stingy devs decided to do a “half way” with Pathfinder. I was there, and the forums and subs were dipping and rage was crazy.

Flying has been a part of the game far, far, far longer than no flying. There was content designed around it. The entire original world was revamped to allow for it. Flying is as much a part of the game as combat is. It’s amazing people don’t understand this.


Sure they are.

M-My god…

I mean - honestly, this is one of those things. If I suddenly cannot do something, or am confused about something in game, I turn to Google. If someone has questions, they can either come here and ask, or they can turn to Google and find the answer within 5 minutes.

It’s also worth remembering in Shadowlands this is no longer a problem as Pathfinder is going away for old zones. So I don’t think there’s a need to change how this is addressed, or convey it to players.

That is going to be such a mess for BC, WotLK and Cata.


Oh I expect scaling to be even more broken than ever. We probably won’t be able to solo old content for quite a while even if we are max level.

I also expect Legion Legendaries to come knocking again and some trinket effects to be OP.
Anyone remember AV Korrak and how awesome that scaling was?

Don’t be surprised if level 50’s are one-shotting max level characters with ease.

I am eager to jump into Beta and test old content specifically.

EDIT: and corruptions like TD3 that base damage off %'s of health? Yeah, fun times ahead.

I hate scaling. I still don’t understand why they put it in content that didn’t need it but not in content that could have actually benefited from it.

I am still working in old content so my plan is to give the new setup a chance but if it ruins my game play, I’ll just unsub and retry at the next expansion if I remember. It’s why I have stuck with my old cata expansion and a month-to-month subscription.

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They already said the intent is we would never be able to solo old content again. it would always scale to current levels and require the same groupings. This is good so players cant cheat themselves into mounts and other special gear like they do now.

Its Blizzard way of training the new generation of players to not enjoy the benefit of flying mounts.

So in one fine expansion they can remove flying all together and the opposition would not be as great as it was in WoD :rofl:

Nearly half the player-base unsubbed for no flying within a week of Watercoolers message and this got their management team crazy

You had Blizzard agents come to chat immediately asking what can we do better with grounds mount instead of flying when players were unsubbing. Guess what happened?? Pathfinder within a week.

The shameless pro anti flyer started flying immediately when flying was released. They were never serious to put their money on it however the other side was.

Source? I have never seen them say this to my knowledge since that would decimate literally more than half the player base.

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what? decimate how? wtf! people play current content to progress not cheat easy stuff in old content.

I’ve been playing since BC, only missed WoD, and I still have no idea how to fly there. Can’t imagine being new

I looked up the requirements once and was like :flushed: No thank you

Clearly you have no idea what sustains this game. And didn’t answer the question. Don’t make stuff up to scare people. Scaling has never been about prohibiting old content solo runs.


I wondered how they were going to handle this. I even said in here prior to the announcement that IF they wanted new players to play legion or WoD after the leveling changed they would have to do something about flight in those expansions or incoming new players wouldnt touch it if they could just run thru mists and prior content and not have to deal with PF.

Pathfinder is just a joke. No one asked for it. I dont care about the claims in here some days. Literally no player was in here begging blizzard to turn flight into a year long grind or an achievement. lol.

Keep dreaming.

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Modern Blizzard HATES flying. It’s so painfully obvious with how flying has been treated since this team came on in WoD.

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