Why can't I create a mechagnome?

I have the achievement “The Mechagonian Threat” complete and my rep with that faction is revered. The game tells me I need to be exalted to create any toon with this class but my brother isn’t exalted yet has a mechagnome toon.

What am I missing? Why can’t I create mechagnome toon?

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You have to complete the recruitment scenario on an Alliance character first.


Why in God’s name would you want to unlock those abominations?

You need to get your head examined.


Because we all agreed that we don’t want to see anymore.

Didn’t you get the memo?


Says the Mechagnome :laughing:


Don’t mind him it’s just the Lich King talking :ghost:

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Excuse me good Sir but in case you can’t see me I’m an Orc.

You need exalted on one toon in order to qualify, the Dungeon cleared and an alliance toon that can handle level 120 content.

Or you can wait until prepatch when I think the requirements will be gone. I know the prep requirements will be gone in SL.

Reprogram this unit to investigate the anomaly in the unit processor.


The quest giver in SW doesn’t offer the quest. I just checked.

The toon that has done this is horde on 1 server and my alliance toons are on a diff server. Does that matter?

The quest giver is in Boralus, the gnome that says something like “Thank goodness you’re here!” every single time you go there.

Edit: I wonder if they’ve changed something with this cause Kelsey isn’t there for my alts anymore (I think this is the only AR scenario you can/could do on alts). Comments on wowhead say you can also start the questline directly from Erazmin in Mechagon, so maybe try that?

This can’t be true. My brother is NOT exalted yet has a toon with this class.

Only the rep requirement is going away. You’ll still need everything else.


Is it possible he is exalted on his other character? I know I had to be exalted and do the quests

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He said he isn’t exalted but obviously I can’t see his toon.

Your brother is lieing to you. GG

Go to the alliance embassy and do the quest on a 120 alliance character

also you need exalted

you could check his claims via armory

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It’s possible he got it on a different toon.

It has to ve a regular gnome then