Why can't I create a mechagnome?

Worry not friend, this is a blessing in disguise. Trust me.

You might have to complete 8.2 war campaign on an Alliance character, along with the rep. So, if your Horde character is exalted, you’d only have to do the war campaign.

Update: I just looked. You have to complete Mechagonian Threat achievement, which ends with the Mechagon dungeon quest.

Did you look in the Alliance Embassy? All the allied races unlocks end there.
And I think you’re right about the reputation. Something tells me you only need revered now, but don’t quote me on that.

I figured it out. I thought I did the campaign on an ally toon as well as this one but was mistaken. When I went back to Najzatar, I found the quest that opens world quests and realized it.

Thanks for all the help!

Good, now you can help me take down that horrible blue hedgehog!

and in 2023 the creation pane says reach 40
and visit the sw embassy to unlock this race…
i mean…why bother to create a race and then
gate it behind ambiguous walls.
i have several accounts and more tunes over 40
than i am aware of…
i go to sw…i click all of the embassy banners…
they’re all glittering…the quest completes…
and i still can’t make a mechagnome.

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and i’ve done the recruitment scenarios manymanymany times.
still no mechagnome option…foolish race anyway…but still!

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Your brother probably has a live gnome. They look really close to the same. I see them all the time and with their armor on its hard to tell.

Why would you want too?!