Why can't Blizzard admit no one likes Divine Steed?

I agree; it definitely feels weird to have your characters abilities change whenever you enter a cave or house with sufficiently strong monsters. However, this is the compromise that the developers have reached in order to keep the “core” of the class in PVE. It reduces keybind bloat and gives them additional tuning knobs for PVP without having any impact on the rest of the game.
It would be even worse if there were also PVE-specific abilities that you suddenly lost when you entered a battleground.

That aside, there are many PVP talents in Shadowlands being turned into generic talents in Dragonflight for many other classes.
I think Unbound Freedom is a good candidate to be turned into a generic talent. A short burst of speed that is not tied to a rotational ability seems to be exactly what we need.


I’m with you on this, I think it just makes more sense and it’s more easy to understand if they just have the base classes be more complete baseline and not have to talent into additional things just to do PvP

Yeah, I’ll go with someone that there needed to be an AoE healing ability which for Holy Pallies, and it needed to be limited (focused) to those who are nearby or close to the healer in melee. It’s a kludge but they couldn’t think of a better solution.

What if you give it a choice node in the talent tree one is divine steed and the other holy dash, they both do the exact same thing but look different.

Holy Dash - Infuse your legs with the speed of light giving you x% movement speed for x seconds (the paladin shines with golden light)


I think Divine Steed could be salvaged if only Blizzard make the caster immune to snare. Having to use it in conjuction with Blessing of Freedom just makes Steed basically useless as a MOBILITY skill. Why is it so hard to see the obvious?

ye i allways hated teh horse, I miss the passive move speed we had in WOD and earlier like 15% passive move speed was really nice.

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This is so depressing to me because I love how Tauren look in paladin armor a lot more aesthetically than Belfs…

But getting stuck on every door is so frustrating that it feels like belf is just solely superior for that reason


Yep, horse just doesn’t look right.
That’s probably why they had to reduce the duration, they can’t bear the weight of a Tauren for more than 4s.

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I don’t know I always though it was a pretty cool ability. To me the only think that sucks about it is the pretty long cd. Maybe could be 35 seconds?

As a paladin player since 2005, I can tell you that a design pitfall Blizzard has hit repeatedly over the decades is: they allow their vision for what a class should be get in the way of the fun-factor. The fun-factor should reign as king, and developer goals and visions should serve the fun-factor, not get in the way of it.

  • 35 second CD
  • Off the GCD
  • Breaks roots/slows on cast
  • Glyph to change the visual to Speed of Light

Then it will be a good ability.


Having Divine steed is better than no steed.

“Having dirt for dinner is better than no dinner.”

That doesn’t fix the issue at hand. This awful ability is holding the class back.

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Or they can copy waorroenand give pally a holy charger that charge at an enemy or holy leap what leaps.

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its what weve been asmking for since the steed got implemented.

I’d like to see them change it into a steed made of pure light that comes down in a pillar of light from the sky, then buffs your and all nearby speed for several seconds. You become made of pure light as well when “riding” it.


I’d settle for them to make an ability that you can just toggle on for +20% movement speed but it forces your sounds to 100% and plays clapping coconuts the whole time while you move if it’s on.