Why can we not reply in the Community Council?

I’ve never seen Blizzard instruct us to comment on aspects of the game that do not interest us or in content to which we do not engage. Please guide me to that directive if I missed that instruction. I believe it would be irresponsible for us to try to provide input on matters to which we have no actual knowledge. It would further fuel the community’s distrust of us if we provided ill-thought opinions for Blizzard’s review.

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Euh… there are pink hairs on some races: Night elves, gnomes, Forsaken, trolls and zandalari trolls.
It’s just not on the race you are playing, not yet at least.
Supposedly, it’s an ongoing work so pink hairs for more races will happen… maybe.

Well regarding the race i’m playing, i have a hard time to imagine a pink fur on a worgen. A green fur or pure black fur on the other hand…

Back to the topic, even if i would like to reply in the CC posts i do understand that it would be a nightmare to constantly moderate the answers because let’s be honest: We are all passionate of the game and it’s easy to derail any subject.

Well at least someone of the council posted a message about the lack of new customizations for the worgens as we got the least amount of them in 9.0.
We’ll see if in 10.0, the devs will listen and give (even partially) what we are asking in our dedicated post on the subject.

He did not apply. He sent in a Support ticket then acted like he got a personal response denying him a spot on the CC. It was for his stream for views.

At that time nobody was on the CC yet. Those who did not get accepted in the first round or two were not notified. Only those who were selected so far got an email.

Streamers like Asmon have had private feedback channels for years.

Exactly. If you link the CC thread when you post about it then it notifies the person who made the original post. It tends to summon them to at least read your thoughts. Many will discuss with you.

Correct. You get colored text.

Correct, although there have been a few additions in the past couple weeks.

Cheating on you

:thinking: :zipper_mouth_face:

Part of CMs job is to collect the feedback on the Forums, reddit, fan sites/Wowhead, etc. They organize all that each week and provide it to the Devs. Hot topics and new patches often get relayed in real time/short time frames.

A lot of the changes we have seen come from the general player feedback.

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I agree with the sentiment of most of your post but this is just plain false.

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I don’t remember coding in that algorithm into her positronic matrix! :triumph:

You did such a good job that the AI is learning.


I still insist that that you use your community council “power” to have a mission table placed in ZM.


We’re not special enough to give Blizzard feedback

The same thing that happens in normal forums would happen to the council forums and the community talks down on you and get snarky on you for anything you say for the most part. Even if it’s true or wanted since wc3 > Vanilla. Some people ate the carrot blizzard gave them for so long it brainwashed them to hand those same carrots out to others.

Because we weren’t invited to the conversation. That’s why.

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