Why can we not reply in the Community Council?

  • Please keep in mind that all of the contents of this forum are publicly visible. Only Council members and Blizzard representatives can post here.

It understandable that non council can not make a topic, but why can we non-council not reply back? I saw a simple post about The Taboo of the Color Pink - #3 by Slacker-blackwing-lair and just wanted to say my thoughts. However, I am just a commoner and am not equal enough to talk with them.

If they are worried about trolling then give the Council the ability to block posters who abuse the forums.


They only want hand picked people to be able to post there, not necessarily all fanboi friend of Blizzard types but on the right side of delivering criticism in a very softball/respectful kind of way. Besides, if we could all post there, it would just be like the forums here and they’d go back to ignoring everyone lol


Trolling mainly. Let’s be fair, we have our fair share of them.


I’m not personally a fan of the community council, but I am hoping it works out for the better.

They want cherry picked feedback.

Not the hard hitting stuff GD brings.


That’s what I am worried about. If they can’t handle unfiltered criticism, then I seriously doubt they will do much better with softball critique. It seems like a way to just pick and choose who you hear so you only hear what you want. This way they can pretend to listen to their fans when really its just a PR move.


Pretty much.

CC only exists so if and or when questioned about their lack of hearing fan feedback they point to the CC and say “Hey we’re listening, see?”

Unless the questioner presses them with evidence though I doubt anyone who wants to keep a paycheck would be that scathing to someone perceived as high up in the gaming industry.


It reminds me of a short time I spent as an editor for a horror fiction website. What I learned was some of the authors just couldn’t handle feedback. No matter how pleasant and kind my critique, I would always get a crazy response. One time I went out of my way to lavish someone with praise and tried to get them to change a single sentence in a chapter, and they ghosted me for a day before sending me a dramatic letter about censorship.

I see Blizzard as that type of company. They seem to do what they want regardless of how much we hate it.


Sorry you’re not part of the cool kids club (aka a clique.)

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Kinda like how Disney threatened a theater to cancel all future Star Wars content if they didn’t kick a Quentin Tarantino film to the curb to show more of their content.

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I didn’t know they did that, but it’s one more reason for me to hate modern Disney.

I find it somewhat ironic that my Grandfather loved Disneyland, yet I live hoping to see them cast into ruin.


The forums are a place where good ideas can never live.

The CC is a place where bad ideas can never die.


i forgot it existed until i saw this thread


Even Asmongold was rejected from being on it and when he asked he was told no. It is because he has been critical of WoW as of late. And of Blizzard too. If even he is not allowed on it, then you know its not all its cracked up to be. That is why I have not read a single post on there and never reply to any of their member when they talk to me. I dont trust them.

Giving select players mod powers (even if only limited) would be even more disastrous than just simply having folks with this special access and text color already is. Go to Reddit and see what it’s like there for a good look at what giving an ounce of power to people would lead to.

What they should have done, if they truly wanted feedback and wanted it limited to people with experience, is create subforums with objective and clearly defined criteria that a character on your account must have before posting there and force everyone posting there to be posting on said toon so said experience/criteria is visible.

So for example, they could have a mythic+ section where people who have something like a 2k IO and over 30 timed +15 keys can post there. They can even go the other way around too and say have a casual section where having too high of an IO score or whatever criteria excludes you. This would also go a long way in helping align the community and Blizzard on these incredibly ambiguous and overloaded terms.

But the truth is the CC is just a save face effort spun up in the heat of a litany of public scandals and Blizzard being raked over the coals from every angle in the public eye and trying to do damage control. Most everyone knows though that there are and have been outed “secret” forums in the past offering no life mythic raider tryhards a direct line to the devs. This doesn’t even count the fact that the “professional” organizations themselves are already in bed with Blizzard and have these lines of communication also.


Because we already have a General Discussion, and if everyone were to be able to post on the Community Council forum, it would just be another General Discussion.

It isn’t that the players on the CC are any better than anyone else, it’s that the forum itself serves a specific purpose. Or at least, they say it serves a specific purpose. Remains to be seen imo but I guess since they haven’t added all the CC members it will be a while.

Logically, not giving the first pass to large media people on the CC is a good PR move, it shows they are not choosing big names to pad their ego’s to get them to complement blizzard or the game and shows blizzard is trying to be unbiased in there selection and trying to be open to all applications, then just choosing the few big names.

Get on the council next time around and voice ye thoughts

I do find the way that the CC is run pretty problematic.