Why can we not reply in the Community Council?

It is entirely appropriate in this case. I think you’re confusing it with spam type abuses, which this would not be.

Think of it like watching the congress on TV. You just watch politicians saying stuff except you didn’t vote for that guy.

They aren’t getting paid to do it, so once they say what they feel needs to be said, what more do you want?

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people will complain either way. the other side of it would be “why are they spamming so much blah blah blah” there is no winning with some people.

Active posters that care about the game and will continue to advocate for it during their length as a Community Council member?

Even going by the “application” Requirements of ‘making changes within the community’ and vague references to being some sort of content creator, they would have to be actively advocating for things that should be changed for the community.

Further probably making sure to keep bad apples out as there’s already been what, 3-4 exposed to not be very good to others within the community but only 1 got yeeted?

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To be fair, there isn’t really much reason for the council to exist, since even if they had an amazing new idea it would probably not be possible to implement it until 10.0 or even 11.0.

When a discussion takes place about some idea that has been discussed for a year in this forum and is already in the design stage, the appearance is that a discussion on that forum had some effect in causing changes to happen.

Your connection is the only thing trolling. I owned you so bad in AV 2 days ago, your corpse was sliding across my screen and jumping up and down and was out running my ground mount for a solid minute.

What is stopping you from posting things in here, most of the council do read what is going on here if it’s worth their time to read it.

this is the first post i think i’ve seen you make that you didn’t use the word soy in, but you’re still… eh…

Doesn’t help that Blizzard don’t even respond or engage with them. This WoW council is just a PR move.

There was no current thread on cross-faction play in this forum. I don’t see anyone complaining about spam.

They have a hard time accepting the Community Council for what it is. And that’s a “you” problem. Not you you, but you them.

The Community Council members are volunteers. As far as I know, they are unpaid. From what I have seen, their posts have been pretty comprehensive, constructive, and well thought out. Which is by far, way better than the standard GD poster. Myself included.

Discussion will probably not be lengthy when what needs to be said is said. Beyond that, threads go off tangent or become circular in conversation.

At this point in time, I still don’t think all of the Community Council members have been selected, or activated, or whatever. And discussion is a two way street, Blizzard has replied to some topics, but they are even less active on that forum than the CC members themselves.

People are going to scapegoat the heck out of CC members. I do not envy CC members. I would flip the eff out if people obsessed over me and started stalking me like they do with the CC members. There are a lot of unstable people on these forums.

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For what it’s worth (which is absolutely nothing) I absolutely agree.

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If we can’t make our points well enough to convince members of the CC to pass them along, perhaps those points aren’t yet ready to be shown to the devs?

Have… have you met me?

I’m one of the most critical people of Blizzard and the game design on General Discussion. I only defend them when I believe the critiques being thrown out aren’t fair, like people who complain about the delays in Shadowlands. There’s a damn pandemic. It doesn’t matter if other companies handled it better, other companies were also probably partial work at home already.

And as others said, if you discuss it here, we usually discuss it with you. If you link a post of ours, it’ll ping us. I’ve posted things in CC that other people have asked me to talk about before as well. If I agree with the things you say, I have zero problems bringing up the point.

This. I genuinely don’t understand why we even have a text color, personally.

You can blame the hate squad on Twitter.

They do things such as take posts out of context to paint a CC member as toxic or problematic.

Like when I joined, they literally went through my post history, took screenshots, posted WITHOUT context to try to label me racist, one of them threatened to doxx me, one apparently alerted my guild leader with the screenshots to try to get me kicked. (She just told me something was going on and to make sure to remember the guild is represented when I post)

Or they just outright attack them for having an opinion. One of the CC members closed their twitter because they got attacked for a simple opinion. That’s not okay. In any way. If you don’t agree with something someone says, fine. But don’t resort to attacking the person.


If they only recruited forum posters, that would be a terrible council. I’m still surprised I got chosen. I was sure they were going to avoid active posters.


I haven’t touched pvp this season?

What I would like to see is anyone able to reply to posts there, but with community council having the freedom to moderate non-community council posters.

it’s risky, but I think it could work out well. If they just arbitrarily let anyone post there without consequence though, it would derail a lot of the discussions into aimless complaining and trolling. Even the way I suggest is risky because it could lead to drama.

I am fine leaving it as it is, though, and I appreciate their discussions even if I can’t contribute directly. It is nice that there is at least one area of this forum that isn’t dominated by trolls and aimless complaints, and I’d really wouldn’t want to ruin that just so I could participate, too.

Then there is another guy with your same name, guild name and on area 52 with you :upside_down_face:

I’m aware a few have been hit by this, and a few were more justiable than what I saw of your own. But I don’t see calls against many of the 1-posters, in fact the ones that had such things levied upon them seem to be more active in general.

I can’t actually openly talk about 2 of the CC members I’m more referencing in the “Bad apples” Part of my posts here because yeah, rules.

Not sure what the point is of the Council if they’re not going to uh… actively give feedback or talk about things the community is, if all they’re doing is CC forums open to the public to view and the Discord that is not… Seems really silly.

Calling out actual problematic behavior I don’t have a problem with, but probably 95% of what they do is create drama just to cause drama.

But yea, we can’t mention actual names. Forum Rules. Lol.