Why bring a melee hunter to ST next phase?

Is it 200 for everyone? I thought it was 100 for everyone

100 extra AP to group still isn’t worth having a melee missing out on Windfury.

I believe the lvl 50 version is 200 for everyone 400 rap for the hunter.

Wowhead is still showing incorrect values on it last i checked.

Oh if that’s the case then that is absolutely massive. This would explain why Ranged Hunter bumped up to mid tier instead of bottom tier.

So in my talents Rank 1 is 100 AP and 100 extra RAP for the Hunter, but that is Rank 1 TSA. I’m assuming Rank 2 is double.

Yes, but sadly it doesnt scale still. So as people gear it will fall off.

End of phase it will be back to near last. It not fully last.

The strongest ranged hunter build was with no pet lone wolf, with the new runes the MM with pet option is not as far behind, might even be beating it, because the lone wolf option got crap for runes this phase compared to with the pet.

And the lone wolf scaled better.

Yea the scaling is going to become an issue yet again, the further we get into the phase the further the initial boost of power from TSA will fall behind due to our abilities having ZERO scaling currently.

The sad part is its easy to fix

Put rap scaling on serpent sting and fire traps. Reduce chimera shot-serpent sting damage to 15-20%, keep chimera shot damage about the same.

This puts damage into dispellable dot damage, which is the healthiest pvp damage there is, while everything else would remain about the same.

And explosive traps initial damage can stay static and just the dot gets the rap scaling.

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Yup the fact that the Immo trap DoT does 510 TOTAL damage…like this can’t be scaled at all without wearing pure spell gear is absolutely insane. 510 total damage on 15 second CD is laughable at this point.

It’s so strange to me they put SO much emphasis on Ranged Hunter going traps in SoD with the Trap Launcher Rune and now with the Lock and Load Rune that they would at least make traps WORTH casting.

And tnt is a hugely missed rune opportunity

They could have made it rune of lethal tactics

Traps and serpent sting gain rap scaling and can now critically hit.

Sure it would be competing with focus fire, but hunters that want to be MM without a pet would have a legitimately good option.

Dude TnT would have been SUCH a massive Rune for a non-pet Lone Wolf MM Hunter. They missed the mark there HARD…like really hard. Now TnT is basically a dead rune on arrival.

Like Imagine a TnT Lone Wolf MM Hunter that scales traps with RAP…massive massive L that Blizzard didn’t investigate this more or even care.

The sad part is they just dont care.

I mean, its painfully obvious. How lazy is “fire traps and explosive shot do 10% more damage” when 2 out of 3 of those abilities have 0 scaling, and the one with scaling is such a small amount it might as well have no scaling to begin with.

Tnt moves explosive shot scaling from 0.1 to 0.11… an etire rune slot to add single digit dps to abilities is just insulting.

The marksman took Lone Wolf. The melee took Hearth of the Lion. Leave the Marksman at home.

Not to mention they forced melee’s into dual wielding and not having traps in combat!

You guys could just bring a single Spriest and heal through any damage low dps causes and have fun!

Open talents pane, click activate secondary talents, shoot arrows/bolts/bullets… you choose.