Why bring a melee hunter to ST next phase?

Marksman will have Trueshot Aura, so why would anyone bring a melee hunter?

They will be useless.

because melee will still do 3x the damage… Is this a real question???


But youre not bringing 100 attack power to your other melee players.

But youre most likely losing dps still.

MM Hunter will be doing negative DPS…they might actually heal the boss.


Because you need 20 people, and someone might want to play melee hunter. I have 3 rogues in one of my 10-man Gnomer runs this phase. It works fine. We’re not a top 10 world raid team, but we have fun in our ~40 min clears. Oh, and stuff gets kicked!



Isn’t rank 2 only 75 AP?

That damage boost to 4 melee will still be less than the the damage munter brings

I just want those slobs gone from my group.

Fake hunters

Every Hunter wishes this, we don’t like being Melee Hunter

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50 AP, also litterally no raid will put a ranged hunter in a melee group for 50 ap vs. having a 5th melee to get windfury.


For rank 1, but if you’re in ST then you’re using rank 2

Because it’s classic and as long as you bring someone with a brain you’re fine. Parsers are just stressed out people who insist on not helping others at all. One will reply to me saying “oh you just want to be carried”
Nah that ain’t it, Classic is easy and if you can’t help other people get their goal and you need meta only, then you’re bad at the game and how it was intended to be played.

Why should anyone be forced to help somebody they don’t know reach their goal?

I don’t pay a subscription to carry a bunch of slobs through a raid.

Lmao there it is. Called it.


Most Pugs actually base their choices off of Warcraftlogs and optimal raid setups…AKA most pugs wanted a Boomkin or Meta Lock for Gnomer (Last boss bombs). They also ask for Ranged DPS but what they really mean is LF Fire Mage, Destro Lock, Spriest, Ele Shaman…basically any Ranged dps but Ranged Hunter and Frost Mage.

I don’t blame them either, they want a smooth run I guess.

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I mean if a bowler needs bumpers to get a higher score… technically they all should just use bumpers.
I just think it’s funny they think they are good at the game when in reality they are just using meta crutches. I’m not mad at them, but they will never be good players to me. That’s all.

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Of course, but sadly these are the people currently that put together pugs. Now granted I am fully aware there always needs to be a bottom of the pack. I just think that the bottom of the pack on Warcraftlogs shouldn’t be 100-200 dps avg lower than the next “bottom” etc.

I also believe with nerfs and buffs they should be rotating this list…but with the Runes for Ranged Hunter I don’t see that happening. It’s mind blowing to me they didn’t just scale Serpent Sting and Traps off RAP if you are using Trap Launcher.

I think all Hunters have one thing to atleast look forward too
Vale Screecher ~classic.wowhead.com/npc=5307 (Wind Serpent, 41-43, Feralas)

Rank 4 Lightning Breath on a pet.

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What server you on? I will be running my own ST groups and all are included.

I’ve played hunter since 2005 and Hunters have always lot of issues though. There’s still a lot we don’t know yet. Regardless still my favorite class for PvP no matter the meta.

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So I should pay money for a game and be forcedto play with people I dont want to?

And if I dont it’s looked at negatively?

Does that make sense to you?

You’re overreacting friend. You play as you wish. All I’m saying is I don’t think people who only take meta are good players. It’s a personal opinion that’s all. Real mfers get sh** done with anyone willing to try.

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