Why Blizzard wont you listen?

The state of pvp is broken, its always one sided bgs one way or the other. I just do not understand the reason why that it continues to be this bad. People all over the forums have made complaints especially about premades in bgs. The CC’s in this game are just getting way out of hand. Can spend 2 mins out of a 5 min long fight ccd because immunity timers don’t exist and I have 1 ability that might break me out of it and its CD is 3-5 mins give or take. I get it you want to cater to the nerds playing M+ and all that crap. However there is a large community of pvp players and that’s all we do yet we complain and nothing is fixed. The weekend are usually all of when I can play and its gotten to a point were its not fun to just lose over and over and over. 25 bgs as of today and not one win, due mostly to premades 15 of the matches were against a premade. The rest due to afk bots. Something needs to be done. And please get rid of Seething shore its a crap bg and nobody likes it. Most of the time people just leave it.


wholeheartedly agreed… specially on the part of the bots… its overwhelming … it feels useless just using the report button.


You sound like someone who will find literally any excuse on why they lost. It was them pesky bots and premades! It’s because of M+ players! My pvp trinket is somehow longer than everyone else’s and somehow change’s it’s cooldown between 3 and 5 minutes!

If you played 25 games and lost them all then the issue is you. Stop being dead weight and handicapping your team and it will work wonders to win some games


you do sound like one of those giga-chads who are the center of attention everywhere for whatever reason and forget about the casual players… ughh…

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Nuff said, you nailed it


I’ve done 14 epic bgs since Friday. Have won 8 of them, out of those I lost only 2 had people from Horde Epic BG communities I’ve recognized at least. Didn’t see Ruthless or Alec’s groups at all.
But I wholeheartedly agree with this:

Only 2 of the bgs were really being contested until the end. Had a 0-6 Ashran loss, and an IoC win that was to resources and not commander kill. The horde piled into their capital and fought us to the end. When the other 12 games were a stomp one way or the other, it’s not near as fun.

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You were making complete sense till you said you lost 25 in a row

if you want a win you can come join me lol

Not to make assumptions about your gameplay but you come off like someone who pops wings and then YOLOs into 10 - 30 incoming opposing players, dies in a stun, and wonders why Blizzard hates you.

Also looking at your gear, you’re mostly in blue honor gear at the end of a season. Most people have their full conquest gear by now. You’re at a gear disadvantage, especially when stacked up in a BG.

Correct me if I am wrong here but don’t you have Blessing of Freedom, Bubble, and PVP Medallion?

10.1 took a MASSIVE nerf bat to CC across the board, almost everyone’s CC was shortened.

I find that difficult to believe.

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After a decade + and ppl still cry about bgs and duela and wpvp. Here let me try again for the 66th million times.

PVP IN WOW IS BALANCED ONLY AROUND 3v3. No balance is made with duels/bg/2v2 or any other form of pvp except Blizzard’s little baby…. 3v3.

This has been the case since Jesus walked on water. Why we must come here and cry about what has never existed in the history of wow.

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This is not on my paladin different toon. And yes I have been playing most of the day so its not that hard to more bgs done.

On Alliance? In randoms or epics? I’ve been doing BGs all day today off and on and went 13-1 according to Reflex. 25 losses in one day seems unlikely barring like, extremely bad luck or something.

Ouch. That sounds rough.

If you went 13-1, then it’s possible that multiple players on the other faction went 1-13. If they had that low win rate throughout the day, then they could have gone 2-26.

Right? Everyone can’t have 90% win rates. Someone has got to lose.

If I lose 3 in a row I stop queueing and go do other things though. I’d never stick around for a 25-game losing streak. I don’t even stick around for a 4-game losing streak. I run some WQ’s, do some professions, do some rep grinds for about an hour then I usually queue up to a few wins.

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pvp has turned to garbage , the cc is out of control not to mention the swarm of bots plaguing this game


Should look up the concept of a common denominator my dude, this is not making the argument you think it is lmao.

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CC’s are such a joke now. You cant even go 2 inches without getting CC’d. I used to enjoy Bgs, really the only pvp I care for unless its world pvp and that was destroyed a long time ago catering to the constant whiners about getting ganked. The implementation of warmode is a joke and destroyed the game imo. Pvp should constantly be on…thats why its called WorldofWarcraft. But yes, pvp is broken and no longer fun at all.

10/10 name ya got there mate :ok_hand:


Shoulda been a fem tauren tbh

Then there’s like 3 levels to it O_O

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I thought it was a bit odd that they used their 93% win rate to say it seems unlikely that another player suffered 25 losses. If anything, it kinda supports the possibility of that claim.

It’s because they are true to wow and didn’t just buy carries for gear like all the other people beating them duhhh or something something something server issues cause them to lagg but not anyone else and it’s not their PC or internet because Elon musk is their dad so they know.

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