Why Blizzard won't show proof of why you have been suspended or banned

To make it to account closer with Blizzard takes tremendous effort on part of the player. I got sacked with a few temp bans myself and can honestly say I know EXACTLY why. My reasons for being put in time out are as follows:

2009 - My orc and a forsaken set up a charcoal grill on the steps of Dalaran and committed to acts of forbidden ‘love’ while practicing cooking skills in necromancy. This was on Blood Furnace and was rumored that players vomited at their computers while reading trade chat! To avoid another temp ban, I will spare the actual details!!!

2022 - While playing WOTLK classic, an exploit was discovered involving a fishing pole in Northerend. Since there was no Ilvl assigned, it could be used as a high level epic item in low level battle grounds to farm unlimited HK points. This exploit still exists throughout the game involving grey quality items with no Ilvl. Use it and you can expect to see your game shut off for 2 to 7 days.

Now onto the point of view of someone who was a game master my self running an Ark Survival cluster, me. There were 3 categories of offenses.

Category 3: Leaving taming pens after no longer needing them. Going over build limits. Leaving dinos out to free roam the game world on aggressive. Building, placing rafts, dinos in two areas of the game world called Herbivore Island and Carnivore Island (protected preserves),

Category 2: Harassment, griefing, theft of dinos, blocking crates, etc…

Category 1 (dev wipe): Doxxing, Sexual Harassment, defamation of community on Facebook or Discord, credit card charge backs, actions causing server instability with intention.

Based on how I ran my Ark Cluster, Blizzard is probably a little more lenient than was but not much more so. It takes ALOT to get banned. In the 4 years I ran the Ark cluster, ONLY ONE player got dev wiped, just ONE.

Those are my 2 cents, any how.


Yeah I distinctly remember a specific period where people were getting banned left and right even for discussing things like harassment, or calling out bigotry or just discussing specific social issues. Which also coincided with controversy around a specific player from Hong Kong…


There was that.

There are 2 members of the cabal who got the 1000 year forum ban - one for saying he was being harassed and the other for mentioning something going on in real life that they were against.

There have been forum trolls who have posted up harassment threads and then used alts to mass report everyone who called them out, tried to stop them or tried to derail the thread.

Way back in the day, I had a WrA guildie get a suspension for rickrolling trade. I haven’t seen anyone get one for that since.

But usually it’s language or harassment. And from what I remember from when I spent a lot of time in trade, someone using “language” would get the mass report from other people trying to talk about non-language topics. Then suddenly they’d be gone.


Banned until 3025? Blizzard must have alot of confidence in their longevity!! LOL

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-Illidan Voice- Imprisoned for Ten Thousand Years…

I have had the silly reasons for getting temp forum bans, the silliest was responding to someone else doing the obvious joke when your character’s last name is Bates, WHILE the fisherman NPC of a similar name was still sitting in a shack in Pandaria. But my petty grievances aside, I am usually the one quietly reporting people across the game. Usually obvious botters, who are easier to spot while leveling cause they exploit the ever increasing sharding of zones to hide their misdeeds. But sometimes trade chat is rank enough to get me out of my depression stupor and do something about it.

I dunno, main takeaway is respect people? And sometimes you get the short end of the stick and have to tough it out? Also report botters when you see them, thank you.


I don’t think I’ve ever been banned. I did get forced to change my guild name though. I’m still bitter about that one.

My one and only ban was a forum ban back in ye olden days. My exact words were, “Hi, Quintus.” I think the mods were swinging wild during a drama thread.


Oooo, yeah. I remember those days. I think we might actually have driven a couple of mods insane at one point.

I remember people disappearing for a couple days and common wisdom night really be sure why they got put in time out. So people, including myself, started to actively tried to get banned. I can’t remember if that was the same time period you are talking about though.

Kind of funny now to look back at how wild stuff was back then. What’s changed? Surely we haven’t matured over the years.

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We have less trolls dropping bait. A lot of people finally figured out that any response to a troll is a good response to them because all they want is attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s a call out - they just want a response.

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I have always liked how the community actually hi-jacked troll threads, though. Especially without the post limit on threads. interesting conversations have happened. WrA is good for that.


I basically didn’t. I know the point was always said it was to call out the trolls. But one comment was enough to do that. Then I felt we should have gone radio silent on their posts.

Long conversations gave the trolls more of an audience. It kept their posts at the top of the forums. They had a reason to keep replying. It gave them an opportunity to mass report people, which they did. My only forum report was during a troll derail where we were talking about ice cream. And it’s the reason why I’ll never get trust level 3, apparently.

I like thread like the lounge thread better for fun conversations. I sincerely hope we never see another troll thread.


Yeah, I know… I see that. A part of me agrees. But also though, after a point, no one was reading the early posts of a long thread and mostly just looking at the recent posts. At least that was my theory. But I’m thinking more of threads like this one. I don’t consider this one really a troll thread. I don’t think it was was started as an inflammatory post to get attention. Misguided, yes. Wrong forum, yes. Troll not so much.

I also do like the lounge thread. It’s a nice to just post something and not have to stick to a particular subject matter. Just general hey, how’s it going? what’s new?

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It’s true. I do.


Funnily enough, I feel like removing the limit is why drama threads started losing their appeal. It was just kind of a thing to egg each other on to see if we could hit cap. People would keep poking at it. Especially towards the end, to get the chance to be the one to cap it and have the last laugh.

Plus, I think WoW just occupies a different spot in a lot of our lives, or at least mine. From 2013 to 2018, my personality was “plays Blizz games.” 2018 to 2020 things started shifting. And post-Shadowlands me is probably never going to care enough to get in a big fight on a World of Warcraft forum.

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Yep, I think this is my vibe. I like being on the forum, I guess because I feel like I am involved - from a distance. No where near as connected as I used to be. Which is probably for the best to be honest.

I think you are right about the drama threads. Drama seems to work best in sort bursts. Drama is an emotional and mental drain that you can only keep for a little while.

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Sometimes I wonder if blue mods casually peruse the server forums to make sure we’re generally well behaved but don’t post here because of WrA’s past habits of trying to stoke replies. Or to make sure they’re not playing server favorites because if they reply in one server forum, they need to reply to them all.

I wonder what they would say if they didn’t have any limitations. Say, Blue Mod perusing this thread, how’s your day going?


I know they used to, because it was a well known fact that they hated all the drama.

This was like, 10-15 yrs ago.

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I’m fairly certain we were the punishment detail for the moderation team.

You’re late for your shift, you get picked to hose down the nerds every time they start slap-fighting over the lore.


They’re likely no longer a Blizzard forum mod anymore. They’re working somewhere else, have back problems, and go to therapy.

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Justified tbh.